• Job Advertisement: Assistant to the Clerk

    Pinchbeck Parish Council is seeking a dedicated and organised individual to join our team as an Assistant to the Clerk. This part-time position is based at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

    Published: Monday, 9th September 2024

  • Lincolnshire Talking Therapies

    Lincolnshire Talking Therapies (LTT) provide short term therapy for people with common mental heath problems. This is FREE and confidential NHS service for anyone in Lincolnshire aged 16 or over.

    Published: Tuesday, 30th July 2024

  • Free Digital Skills Learning

    Lincs Digital is giving free training at Pinchbeck Hub & Library every 3rd Thursday, starting 20 June 2024. To help anyone access online services or needing help with their phones, tablet or laptop.

    Published: Tuesday, 18th June 2024

  • Notice of Public Rights 2023/24

    The Notice of Public Rights and unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for Pinchbeck Parish Council 2023/2024 has been published on the website under 2023-24 Audit of Accounts.

    Published: Friday, 31st May 2024

  • Public Consultation

    National Grid's Eastern Green Link Public Consultation

    National Grid Electricity Transmission is holding a public consultation to hear views on its early proposals on two new high voltage electricity links between Scotland and England.

    Published: Tuesday, 23rd April 2024