A suitable venue for many functions, the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library is used frequently by many groups and also by organisations from outside of the county. A wide range of activities take place in the building which is also home to Pinchbeck Library.

The Library is managed by a team of volunteers who give up their time to ensure that this wonderful facility remains open for the local people. The numbers visiting both the building and the library have increased since the beginning when Pinchbeck Parish Council became involved in the organising and the day to day management of the building. We aim to make people feel welcome when they come to visit in the hope that they will come back to visit us.

We have 4 rooms that we hire to individuals and organisations. If you would like further information about room bookings please see our Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library web page, or contact us as below.

Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library
48 Knight Street
PE11 3RU

Tel: 01775 724348
Email: admin@pinchbeck-pc.gov.uk