All at the Parish Council were saddened to hear that Barbara Camps, clerk to the Parish Council from 1994 - 2023, died on Monday 11 September 2023.

All at Pinchbeck Parish Council were saddened to hear of the death of Barbara Camps. Barbara was the Clerk to the Parish Council from 1994 to 2023 and was known and respected by so many residents. Barbara decided to retire this year to do other things and spend more time with her family, so it is particularly sad that circumstances took a different turn.

Barbara was undoubtedly a focal point within Pinchbeck. She was dedicated to helping others and was quite selfless. Whether it was signposting residents to the right support or simply providing a cup of tea, a biscuit, and a sympathetic ear, she was there to help and advise.

Personally, I’ve known Barbara for 18 years. She was always enthusiastic, up for a challenge and would just dive in. Barbara would rather ask for forgiveness, than permission – which I loved. Her warmth and welcoming spirit will be missed by many, and our thoughts are with her family and friends at this difficult time.

James Avery – Chairman to Pinchbeck Parish Council

Published: Wednesday, 13th September 2023