October 2022 Agenda


Mrs. B. Camps
Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library
48 Knight Street
PE11 3RU
Telephone -  01775 724348
Email: pinchbeckparish@btconnect.com

25th October 2022

You are summoned to attend a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held in Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck on Monday 31st October 2022 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Barbara Camps
Clerk to Parish Council


1   Apologies for Absence

2   Declaration of Interest from members

3   Confirm Minutes (Circulated)

4   Review Action Table – Full Council Meeting 27th September 2022

5   Correspondence

6   New Blue Gowt Cemetery – Update - To agree on latest proposals, design etc.  

7   Highway Matters to include:

Knight Street Parking
Report of meeting with Highways Representatives – 10th October 2022
Any other Highway/Traffic issues

8   Agree location for seating to be gifted by Herring Lane Bakers

9   Update on Defibrillator for West Pinchbeck 

10   To agree Flower Parade Float Committee

11   Accept reports on recent Play Equipment Inspections  

12   Request for Rededication of Pinchbeck War Memorial

13   Remembrance Service Parade – Sunday 13th November 2022 & Lamp-post Poppies

14   To arrange “All Manner of Scams” presented by Sharon Hall/Christine Taylor – Lincs Police 

Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 27th March 2023

15   Financial Report/To Pass Accounts

16   AOB

17   Consideration of following Planning Applications:

H14-0922-22 - Wisteria Farm, Northgate – Change of use of agricultural buildings to form 3 dwellings and associated works.

H14-0939-22 - Mayflower Farm, Tydd Road – Proposed extension including internal and external alterations to existing dwelling.

H14-0328-21 - Land off Milestone Lane, Pinchbeck – Residential development of 35 dwellings and associated works.

H14-0697-22 - Lake Ross, Dozens Bank – Change of use of land and static/tourer caravan pitches and also new access/parking/toilet block.  Resubmission of H14-1205-21

H14-0956-22 - Pudding Lane – Proposed roof mounted solar panels.

H14-0942-22 - Land at Horsepit Lane, Pinchbeck – Bungalow  - Resubmission of H14-0969-21