November 2022 Agenda


Mrs. B. Camps
Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library
48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, PE11 3RU
Telephone -  01775 724348      Email:

16th November 2022

You are summoned to attend a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held in Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck on Monday 21st November 2022 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Barbara Camps
Clerk to Parish Council


1   Apologies for Absence

2   Declaration of Interest from members

3   Confirm Minutes (Circulated)

4   Review Action Table – Full Council Meeting 31st October 2022

5   Correspondence

6   Rededication of War Memorial 

7   Highway Matters 

8   Update on installation of bench seat – Rotten Row/Knight Street green space

9   Update on Defibrillator for West Pinchbeck 

10   Consider Bank Holiday re Coronation King Charles III celebrations – Monday 6th May 2023

11   Christmas Tree lighting – Wednesday 30th November 2022

12   To review Glebe Field Rental – Closed Session

13   Social Media

14   Prosperity Fund

15   To approve and accept quotation for Blue Gowt Cemetery fencing – Closed Session

16   To approve and accept quotation for repairs to Village Stocks – Closed Session

17   Financial Report/To Pass Accounts

18   AOB

19   Consideration of following Planning Applications:

H14-0957-22 – Land off Bervor Close, Wardentree Park – Proposed commercial units

H14-1083-22 – 9 Mill Green Road – Alterations to rear extension and front porch

H14-1068-22 – 1 Hall Gardens – Proposed side extension

H14-0992-22 -  The Grange. Northgate – Alterations (Listed Building)