April 2022 Agenda (25th)


Mrs. B. Camps
Parish Clerk, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincs.  PE11 3RU
Telephone:  01775 724348      Email: pinchbeckparish@btconnect.com

18th April 2022

You are summoned to attend a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held in Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, Knight Street, Pinchbeck on Monday 25th April 2022, commencing upon conclusion of the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING which is to commence at 7.30 p.m.

Barbara Camps
Clerk to Parish Council



1   Apologies for Absence

2   Declaration of Interest from members

3   Confirm Minutes (Circulated)

4   Correspondence

5   S106 monies -  Developer Contributions 

6   Approval to development in Pinchbeck being subject to requirement of Zero Carbon – Requested by Coun. D. Dickens

7   Request to reconsider Covenant relating to property on former land of Parish Council

8   Reminder to Parish Councillors relating to comments to be forwarded regarding proposals to Pinchbeck Wood extension.

9   Update on Pinchbeck Picnic in the Park – Saturday 4th June 2022

10   Update on Play Equipment Installation

11   Request for contribution to West Pinchbeck Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 

12   Staff Salary Reviews

13   Financial Report/To Pass Accounts

14   Questions without Discussion

15   Consideration of Planning Applications to include:

None received at present