March 2022 Agenda (21st)


Mrs. B. Camps, Parish Clerk, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincs.  PE11 3RU
Telephone-  01775 724348
E-mail -

14th March 2022

You are summoned to attend a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held in Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, Knight Street, Pinchbeck on Monday 21st March 2022 commencing at 7.30 p.m. with a Public Forum lasting no longer than, and up to, 10 minutes.  Upon conclusion of Public Forum, the Parish Council Meeting will commence promptly.  Please note that if no members of the public are present then the Parish Council Meeting will commence at 7.30 p.m.

Barbara Camps
Clerk to Parish Council


1   Apologies for Absence

2   Declaration of Interest from members

3   Confirm Minutes (Circulated)

4   Review Action Table – Full Council Meeting 28th February 2022

5   Correspondence 

6   New Blue Gowt Cemetery – Update

7   The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – June 2022 - Update

8   Memorial Ground Fencing/Railings

9   Allotment Rent Review

10   Highways/Traffic Matters

11   Defibrillator – West Pinchbeck/Baptist Church/Church Hall

12   Update on delivery and installation of new Play Equipment

13   Financial report/To Pass Accounts

13   AOB 

14   Planning Applications for consideration as follow:

 H14-0246-22 - Marriott Farm, Black Hole Drove – Alterations & Extensions
 H14-0170-22 - Enchantment Lodge, Cherry Holt Lane – Proposed detached garage
 H14-0102-22 - Le-Marsh, Northgate – Change of use to Equestrian Amenity