13 January 2025 Finance Committee
Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.
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Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting, held in the Community Hub & Library, 19:00hrs Monday, 13 January 2025
Present: Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Andrew Chamberlain (from 19:12hrs), Cllr Sam Jeffery (chair), Cllr Terry Moore, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs Nicola Jowett (Admin. Asst.)
Absent: Cllr James Avery, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Phil Tweddell.
25.01Apologies for absence were received from Cllr James Avery.
25.02There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.
25.03It was resolved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held 21 October 2024.
25.04It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).
25.05Matter arising from the previous minutes.
.01The clerk reported that the application for a Lloyds Multipay payment card was pending.
25.06It was resolved to approve the management report for the period ended 31 December 2024.
19:12hrs Cllr Chamberlain joined the meeting
25.07It was resolved to recommend the financial budget y/e 31 March 2026 with the following amendments:
.01For the sake of prudence, cemetery income was reduced by £1,500.
.02Play equipment expenditure for The Glebe Field, Rotton Row Playing Field, and Leaveslake Playing Field was increased to include the costs of operational and annual inspections.
.03Remembrance Day expenditure was increased by £500, for the purchase of additional road signage.
25.08It was resolved to recommend to full Council that the Parish Precept Requirement for 2025/26 be set at £144,642.00. Equivalent to £71.01 per household at Band D, a 4.84% increase on the previous year.
25.09 It was resolved to hold the next meeting 19:00 hrs, Monday, 12 May 2025.
The chair closed the meeting at 20:21hrs.