17 February 2025 Community Hub & Library Committee

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of meeting held 17:00hrs, Monday, 17 February 2025, at The Hub, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, PE11 3RU.

Present:    Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr John Smith (chair), Cllr Emma Beavis, District & County Cllr Elizabeth Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), Ms Nicola Jowett (Administration Assistant)

Absent:     Cllr Dean Roizer

25.01.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Roizer.

25.02.There were no declarations of disclosable interest, nor requests for dispensation.

25.03.There were no matters arising from the previous minutes not on the agenda.

25.04.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 16 September 2024.

25.05.Cllr Smith reported on recent Hub & Library activity.

01.Currently there were 26 Hub & Library volunteers.

02.The library works had been completed. A separate children’s area had been created which was well received.    

03.Representatives from Rhyall Library Action Group had visited Pinchbeck Hub & Library to see if anything could be learnt which might save the Ryhall Library from closure.

04.Room Hire and invoicing were up to date.

25.06.The free SHDC Love Parks Event would be held in The Glebe field July 31, 2025. This is intended to kick off the summer family fun events at the Hub, which subject to funding being agreed, would start the following week.

25.07.NHS Grant funding for a trips & falls reduction programme had been secured. Twelve volunteers would receive a fall alarm watch. A questionnaire would be submitted to the NHS to report on the results.

25.08.Administration matters.

01.It was resolved to install a suitable post box for the Parish Council office and to consider boarding up the reception hatch.

02.The clerk was to investigate using eSIMs and/or VoIP telephones for Parish Council staff and volunteers.

03.A process for handling cash from groups by volunteers had been established. New envelopes had arrived to allow cash to be logged correctly. Consideration would be given to moving toward a cashless system.

04.A new lock for the Parish Council office door was to be obtained.

05.Volunteer access to the printer was limited to library opening hours. Cllr Smith would liaise with Greenwich Libraries to gain out-of-hours access. If this was not feasible, the use of USB sticks for printing would be considered.

25.09.Quotes for works

01.It was resolved to purchase a removable barrier @ £85.99 to protect children from stacked furniture.

02.It was resolved to purchase a filter for the hub’s vacuum cleaner @ c.£16.00 to see if this would improve its performance. If this was unsuccessful, it was resolved to purchase a new vacuum cleaner @ £323.95.

03.It was resolved to ratify s.137 expenditure of £90.00 for the volunteers’ Christmas get together.

04.It was resolved to approve expenditure of up to £250 to hire a waste skip to facilitate a hub and site clear-up. Cllr Gregory kindly offered to help with moving some items.

25.10.Date of next meeting: 17:00hrs 12 May 2025, at the Hub.


The chair closed the meeting at 17:56 hrs.