17 February 2025 Open Spaces & Assets Committee
Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.
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Minutes of meeting held 18:15hrs, Monday, 17 February 2025, at The Hub, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, PE11 3RU.
Present: Cllr James Avery, Cllr Andrew Chamberlain, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Terry Moore (chairman), Cllr Ann Savage (arrived at 18:21pm), Cllr Phil Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), Nicola Jowett (Admin Assistant).
Absent: Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Peter Ruysen
Action points to be undertaken by the clerk, unless otherwise stated.
25.01.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Roizer and Cllr Ruysen.
25.02.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.
25.03.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 09 December 2024.
25.04.There were no matters arising from the previous minutes not covered on the agenda.
25.05.2025 commemorative events.
01.It was resolved for Cllr Moore to undertake the preparation for VE Day 80th Anniversary commemorations, to take place Thursday, 08 May 2025, including:
i.Liaise with the Royal British Legion to discuss plans and register the event on their website.
ii.Book the village hall.
iii.Contact St Mary’s Church and organise bell ringers for the event.
iv.Arrange for the lighting of the beacon on the day at 21:30hrs.
v.The clerk would ask if the Herring Lane bakers would consider making commemorative cakes sufficient for around 30 attendees.
02.It was resolved for Cllr Moore to undertake the following preparation for VJ Day 80th Anniversary, Friday, 15 August 2025.
i.Liaise with the Royal British Legion to discuss plans and register the event on their website.
ii.Enquire about booking a brass band for the event.
03.The clerk was to initiate a tender process from traffic management companies to assist with the Remembrance Day Parade being held 09 November 2025.
25.06.Blue Gowt Lane Cemetery update.
01.Finishing off and landscaping was still to be completed with estimated completion early March 2025.
02.A meeting of the cemetery committee was to be scheduled. Matters to be considered included:
i.Organising an opening ceremony.
ii.Confirm the cemetery policies were appropriate for the intended look and operation of the new cemetery.
iii.To consider the installation of concrete beams to provide a consistent, stable, and level foundation for memorial headstones.
25.07.Park equipment repairs had commenced 17 February 2025, with Online Playgrounds.
25.08.The new trees for the field at Blue Gowt Lane had been delivered. Cllr Moore was to arrange for drilling and volunteer planters for Sunday 9 March 2025.
25.09.Knight Street bus shelter.
01.Insurers had approved removal of the damaged bus stop.
02.Insurer’s approval for the bus stop’s replacement was pending.
25.10.Future agenda items
01.Garden Allotments, operation and agreements.
02.To consider a village sign on the B1356 Pinchbeck Road, approaching Pinchbeck from Spalding.
25.11.The next meeting of the committee was to be held 19:00hrs, 11 April 2025.
25.12.It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).
25.13.Quotes for works.
01.Two quotes had been received for resurfacing of the access road to the Glebe Field. It was resolved that for a third quote to be sought.
02.Consideration of a new noticeboard at Six House Bank was deferred until the next meeting.
03.Regarding new benches at Six House Bank and at Blue Gowt Lane, the business manager at Burmor Construction had been contacted about providing support. As he had not been able to provide proposals prior to his holiday, the matter was deferred until the next meeting.
04.Dog Poo Signs
i.It was resolved to order Keep Britain Tidy ‘We’re watching you’ campaign posters @ £160.00.
ii.A quote was to be obtained for 10 alternative signs. Cllr Avery to send example to the clerk.
05.Quotes were to be obtained for litter bin stickers as drafted by Cllr Wood, displaying QR code for reporting bin issues to the Parish Council.
The chairman closed the meeting at 19:10hrs.