30 January 2023 Parish Council Meeting


You are summoned to attend a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held in Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, Knight Street, Pinchbeck on Monday 30th January 2023 commencing at 7.30 p.m. with a Public Forum lasting no longer than, and up to, 10 minutes.  Upon conclusion of Public Forum, the Parish Council Meeting will commence promptly.  Please note that if no members of the public are present then the Parish Council Meeting will commence at 7.30 p.m.

Barbara Camps
Clerk to Parish Council


1   Apologies for Absence

2   Declaration of Interest from members

3     Confirm Minutes (Circulated)

4   Review Action Table – Full Council Meeting 21st November 2022

5   Correspondence 

6   Andrew Hill – Pinchbeck CLT – Re: Proposals re Pinchbeck Wood

7    New Blue Gowt Cemetery – Update & to include up-to-date spend

–   Email received re access

8   War Memorial Rededication Service – Saturday 8th April 2023

9   Highways/Traffic Matters to include:

Double line request – Fleming Road

Prohibition of Waiting Time – Fennell Rd, Knight St, Forge Crescent & Westfield Drive

10   Social Media Policy – To be agreed

11   UK Shared Prosperity Fund – Re. Government’s Levelling up Agenda

12   Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library Accounts 

13   Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library – Staff salary review

14   Schedule of Parish Council Meetings – through to January 2024

15   AOB

16    Planning Applications – To include the following:

H14-1200-22 – Northgate House, Northgate – Change use of land to B8 (Storage & Distribution) - RETROSPECTIVE