21 March 2023 Annual Parish Meeting

The Pinchbeck Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 21st March 2023 at Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, 48 Knight Steet, Pinchbeck commencing at 7.30 pm under the Chairmanship of Councillor James Avery.  Upon conclusion of this meeting a Parish Council Meeting will commence.   

Only registered local government electors of Pinchbeck Parish are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Parish meeting.



1. Introduction by Chairman  -  Councillor James Avery

2. A 30 minute presentation to take place on “All Matter of Scams” by Sharon Hall of Lincolnshire Police, supported by Christine Taylor

3. To read, approve and sign the notes of the meeting of 25th April 2022 (circulated to Councillors via email)

4. To receive the Chairman’s Report on Parish Council activities for the year 2022/2023 

5. Circulation of Income/Expenditure Account 2021/2022 (circulated to Councillors via email)

6.   To consider any points which any parishioner may wish to raise relating to the Parish


James Avery
Councillor James Avery
Chairman to Pinchbeck Parish Council