22 May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting



Mrs B Camps, Parish Clerk, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, Spalding, PE11 3RU Telephone: 01775 724348.   Email: pinchbeckparish@btconnect.com

17 May 2023

You are summoned to attend the ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL to be held in Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library on Monday, 22nd May 2023 commencing at 7.30 pm with a Public Forum lasting no longer than, and up to, 10 minutes. Upon conclusion of the Public Forum, the Parish Council Meeting will commence promptly. Please note if no members of the public are present then the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7.30 pm.

Barbara Camps
Clerk to the Parish Council


1.   Election of Chairman and completion of Declaration of Office.

2.   Apologies for Absence.

3.   Declaration of Interest from members.

4.   Confirm Minutes of Full Council Meeting 21st March 2023 (circulated).

5.   Review Action Table – Full Council Meeting 21st March 2023.

6.   Election of Vice Chairman.

7.   Election of Committees.

8.   Correspondence.

9.   Section 73 Modification Approval – Granted. H14-0262-23 Land off Blue Gowt Lane, Pinchbeck – Proposed cemetery, storage building and parking and use of land as an informal Public Recreation Area. (See Item 18 below)

10.   Allotment Tenancy – Termination of lease on Black Hole Drove allotment.

11.   Shortfall of Parish Councillors.

12.   Traffic Strategy – Plan future discussions with LCC.

13.   Computer hardware.
14.   Bank Mandate (currently JA & EB only).

15.   Elan City – proposal for a further two SIDs/Radar Speed Signs

16.   Trees on Leaveslake Drove Playing Field overhanging local gardens.

17.   Land on Gallery Walk, difficulty to access properties.

18.   Update on New Blue Gowt Cemetery/informal public recreation area.

19.   Update on Defibrillator installations.

20.   Financial Report/to pass accounts.

21.   Any other business.

22.   Consideration of the following Planning Applications:

H14-0348-23   Land off Crossgate Lane, Pinchbeck – Erection of 9 detached bungalows.

H14-0394-23   Little Acorn, 93 Starlode Drove – Erection of stables, hay barn & menage – RETROSPECTIVE.

H14-0402-23   Land North of Gatehouse, 86 Langhole Drove – Use of land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes, together with the formation of hardstanding and utility/day room ancillary to that use – resubmission of H14-0419-22).

H14-0408-23   JO Sims, Pudding Lane, Pinchbeck – Proposed erection of security fence and gates.