21 March 2023 Parish Council Meeting

16th March 2023

Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to attend a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held in Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, Knight Street, Pinchbeck on Tuesday 21st March 2023 at 7.30 p.m.  The evening will commence with the Annual Parish Meeting and upon conclusion will be followed by the Full Parish Council Meeting.

Yours faithfully,

Barbara Camps

Pinchbeck Parish Clerk



1 Apologies for Absence

2 Declaration of Interest from members

3   Confirm Minutes (Circulated)

4 Review Action Table – Full Council Meeting 21st February 2023

5 Correspondence 

6 Update on Rededication of Pinchbeck War Memorial – Saturday 8th April 2023

7 The King Charles III Coronation Celebrations – Monday 8th May 2023 and to include 

 purchase of Commemorative Medals

8 Gallery Walk/Flaxmill Field

9 Highways/Traffic Matters

10 Prosperity Fund – To discuss projects/options

11 To approve quotations for resurfacing Six House Bank car park

12 To discuss quotation received for tree work – St. Mary’s Churchyard

13 Resident request for support for dropped kerb - Dozens Bank

14 Financial report/To Pass Accounts

15 AOB 

16 Planning Applications for consideration as follow:

 No Planning Applications received to be included on this agenda.