21 February 2023 Parish Council Meeting


Mrs. B. Camps
Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library
48 Knight Street
PE11 3RU
Telephone - 01775 724348
Email: pinchbeckparish@btconnect.com

15th February 2023

You are summoned to attend a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held in Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck on TUESDAY 21st February 2023 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Barbara Camps
Clerk to Parish Council


 1   Apologies for Absence

 2   Declaration of Interest from members

 3   Confirm Minutes (Circulated)

 4   Review Action Table – Full Council Meeting 30th January 2023

 5   Correspondence

 6   Voluntary Car Scheme meeting – Tuesday 14th March 2023 – Representative required

 7   Highway Matters 

 8   Annual Highway Verge Grass Cutting – to agree pricing and details

 9   To discuss allotment rent review

10   To discuss and agree programme for inspection of Parish Trees

11   To discuss Pinchbeck Wood regarding assistance from Pinchbeck CLT

12   Invitation to meet with members of Lincs Rural Housing Association re facilities for children 

13   Update on Coronation celebrations – Saturday 6th May 2023

14   Update on Spalding Flower Parade float – Saturday 13th May 2023

15           Accept quotation for levelling of car park – Six House Bank (In Closed Session)

16   Financial Report/To Pass Accounts

17   AOB

18   Consideration of following Planning Applications:

H14-0067-23 – RETROSPECTIVE - West Acorns Farm, Six House Bank – Change of Use from Agricultural land to commercial storage for wood/car parts 

H14-0078-23 – OUTLINE – Keston Nurseries, Mill Green Road – Erection of 10 dwellings