25 April 2024 Community Hub & Library Committee

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Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Community Hub & Library Committee are summoned to attend a meeting to be held 19:00hrs Thursday, 25 April 2024 at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Robert Smith
Pinchbeck Parish Council
18 April 2024


1. Welcome from the chair.

2. Apologies for absence.

3. Declarations of pecuniary or other interests and requests for dispensation. 

4. To note the committee’s terms of reference.

5. To note new room charges and booking agreement.

6. To receive an update on recent activity (Cllr Smith)

7. To resolve on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

8. To consider suggestions for the creation of an annual plan.

01. Aims and objectives 2024 to 2027.

02. Annual Plan 24/25.

9. To consider membership and draft terms of reference for a volunteer steering group.

10. To consider hub & library volunteer policies and procedures.

01. Draft policy on volunteers.

02. Draft volunteer’s agreement.

03. Draft volunteer’s confidentiality policy.

04. Draft volunteer’s expenses Policy.

11. To review the need for supporting Parish Council policies.

12. To consider new kitchen proposals

13. To consider budget arrangements for the hub.

14. To consider the management of the ‘All Kinds of Everything’ fund, including spending & gifting policies.

15. To receive report on the renewal of the library contract due 2026 (Cllr Smith/clerk).

16. To agree dates for next meetings.