03 June 2024 Community Hub & Library Committee

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Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Community Hub & Library Committee are summoned to attend a meeting to be held 19:00hrs Monday, 03 June 2024 at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Robert Smith
Pinchbeck Parish Council
29 May 2024


1.To elect a chair.

2.Apologies for absence.

3.Declarations of pecuniary or other interests and requests for dispensation.

4.To approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

5.To receive an update on recent activity (Cllr Smith)

6.To resolve on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

7.To recommend to full Council subscription for Scribe Booking System @ £348.00 p.a. plus £249.00 onboarding charge.

8.To receive and consider minutes of Volunteer Steering Group Meeting.

9.To ratify plan for the Summer Family Activities

10.To receive an update on GRASSroots grant activity.

11.To agree next steps for the Community Café Feasibility Study as approved by the Parish Council.

12.To discuss 'Love Your Heart' Event in partnership with NHS and Patient Participation Group.

13.To discuss plans for Pinchbeck Youth Club.

14.To note sessions at The Hub by LincsDigital.

15.Future agenda items.

16.To agree dates for next meetings.