31 July 2023 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Pinchbeck Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs Monday, 31 July 2023 at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present: Cllr James Avery (chair), Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Geoffrey Garner, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr John Smith, Cllr Philip Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood. Mr Robert Smith (interim clerk), six members of the public.

Absent: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Sam Jeffrey.

The chairman welcomed all present.

23.050.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew, Cllr Beavis, & District Cllr Elizabeth Sneath.

23.051.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

23.052.The following representations were received from members of the public.

01.Concerns about the fence at a property on Rose Lane. The chairman had received an email from the District Council stating that the fence had been altered as required by the enforcement notice. The fence to the side of the property had been reduced in size and at the front of the property it had been moved back. Therefore, planning permission was no longer required.

02.It was asked who was responsible for the pavement near to The Ship public house. Cllr Gregory said that she would report this to Highways.

03.The tarmac on Gallery Walk towards the social housing from Knight Street to Brownlow Crescent was in a poor state. Following advice, the resident would report the matter via Lincolnshire County Council FixMyStreet.

23.053.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 26 June 2023 Parish Council meeting.

23.054.Chairman’s Report

01.Certain Declarations of Pecuniary Interest form details needed checking by councillors.

02.Highways had agreed to look at funding for a feasibility study for a footpath on Market Way. Comments on Facebook suggesting that more than this had been secured were incorrect. A meeting with Highways was to be arranged.

03.The previous clerk’s, Barbara Camps, last day with the Council was 30 June 2023.

04.The chairman was still to write to the previous councillors who had retired at the last election.

05.Pinchbeck village sign was now back in situ. It was suggested that a ceremony for the formal handover took place from the WI to the Parish Council.

06.A complaint about the Cherry Holt cemetery was to be included on a future agenda when landscaping the front of the cemetery could be considered.

07.Mr Rob Browning had been asked to quote for a chain link for the War Memorial. There was money in the budget for making a path to the Memorial.

08.The new bank mandate with Barclays had still to go through causing continuing payment delays.

23.055.Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01.The clerk reported:

i.Planning comments had been submitted as resolved.

ii.The AGAR and notice of public rights had been published and submitted to the external auditor within the specified deadlines.

iii.New councillor pecuniary interest forms had been added to the SHDC & Parish Council websites.

iv.After problems posting pension returns, these were now up to date.

v.Outstanding pavement repairs near 142 Six House Bank had been reported on FixMyStreet.

vi.PCSO Paul Holland had been to the office to explain that with the current reorganisation there would no longer be a dedicated PCSO to the parish. However, he should still be able to carry out speed checks locally, focusing on the following roads: Wardentree Road, Spalding Road, Six House Bank, and Northgate. He also offered to help put up additional 30mph signs, particularly at the start and end of each 30mph zone.

02.Councillors reported:

i.Road findings had been tipped and rubbish dumped, into the forty-foot drain at Star Lode Drove. Photographs were to be forwarded to the chairman for reporting to the District Council.

ii.The chairman would report antisocial behaviour to the District Council about quad bike users on Black Hole Drove.

03.Two trees at Pinchbeck Wood had fallen on a neighbouring fence. The wood is leased to the Woodland Trust, which needed to be contacted to clear fallen trees and thin out the remainder.

23.056.Financial matters.

01.The following bank balances were noted:

Barclays Community Current Account 4238 £222,038.57
Barclays Community Account 7251 £60.50
Barclays Business Capital Account 1857       £204,692.68
Barclays Pinc Parish IAS 4246 £8,541.31
Barclays Community Library Account 1517 £66,985.53
Total £502,318.59

02.Giving continuing difficulties accessing the Parish Council’s bank accounts & records, the clerk reported that payments had been delayed. It was resolved for the chairman and clerk to make further urgent payments as considered necessary, up to the next Parish Council meeting.


01.A road closure order for Mill Green Road, Cherry Holt Lane, and Highfields Lane, in affect from 21/08/23 to 26/08/23 was noted.

02.A scam alert from the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Office was noted.

03.Information on the Household Support Fund was to be published on the website.

04.It was resolved to accept an offer from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to have war grave signage at the cemetery.

05.The chairman would respond to an email about grass cutting on Mill Green Road.

06.The clerk would respond to an email about vehicles using Mill Green.

07.An email from the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Mr Paul Clark was to be circulated to all councillors.

08.Information about an overhanging garden in Fennel Road was to be added to the tree survey.

09.The chairman would consider under his District Councillor duties a request for sponsorship from Pinchbeck United under 16s.

10.A complaint about the condition of the Cherry Holt Lane cemetery was to be considered under the agenda item on the cemetery.

11.It was resolved to give permission to National Grid to undertake tree work.

23.058.It was resolved to submit the following planning comments to the District Council.

01.H14-0617-23: Light Source, Bervor Close, PE11 3FZ. It was resolved to support the application because it would support employment in the area.

02.H14-0570-23: Rear of 25 Market Way Pinchbeck Spalding PE11 3PE.     It was resolved to support the application because it represented legitimate infill.

23.059.The following District Council planning decisions were noted.

01.H14-0483-23: 56 Parson Drove, PE11 3QW. Extension & Alterations. Approved.

02.H14-0486-23: Pear Tree Farm, Money Bridge Lane. Hedge removal & new access. Approved.

03.H14-0464-23: Former Keston Nurseries Off Mill Green. Garage conversion. Approved.

04.H14-0401-23 Rear of 174 Spalding Road, PE11 3UE. Single storey dwelling. Approved.

05.H14-0402-23: Land North of Gatehouse 86, Langhole Drove. Residential caravans. Approved.

06.H14-0403-23: Plot 2 Adj. 202 Spalding Road, PE11 3PB.  Reserved matters. Refused.

07.H14-0299-23: 120 Six House Bank, PE11 3QG. Hedge removal & fencing. Approved.

08.H14-0259-23: South of Green Lane, PE11 3XS. 63 house development. Modification. Approved.

09.H14-0217-23: 27 Wardentree Lane, PE11 3UF. Loft conversion & extension. Approved

23.060.The update on Market Way had been covered in the chairman’s report.

23.061.It was resolved to defer a review of the organisation and membership of the Council’s committees to the next meeting.

23.062.Regarding the Council’s grass cutting contract, Cllr Moore would produce a tender document for the next Parish Council meeting.

23.063.It was resolved to renew the Parish Council’s insurance with current insurers.

23.064.It was stated that in St Mary’s closed churchyard, trees were overgrown that needed attention. Cllr Moore said that he would get quotes to be considered at a future meeting.

23.065.Cllr Oliver, Cllr Savage, and Cllr Audrey offered to help tidy the Cherry Holt Lane cemetery.

23.066.The following items were to be included on the agenda of a future meeting.

01.To consider the grass cutting contract (Cllr Moore).

02.To consider the Parish traffic strategy.

03.To consider quotes for the car park (Cllr Andrew).

04.To consider a lorry park for the area (Cllr Garner).

05.To consider quotes for cleaning services (Cllr Chamberlain)

06.To consider quotes for tree works at St Mary’s churchyard (Cllr Moore).

07.To consider Cherry Holt Lane cemetery.

08.To consider committee arrangements.

23.067.It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).   

20.57hrs six members of the public left the meeting. 

23.068.New Blue Gowt Cemetery - Cllr Moore reported:

01.A meeting of the new cemetery committee had been held 24 July 2023.

02.A report on the quotes and presentations received was given.

03.Supplier proposals to be further considered and resolved on at the next meeting.

23.069.Regarding the playing field’s lease to Pinchbeck United FC. The chairman had asked Longstaff to provide a competitive valuation for leasing. To be considered at a future meeting.

23.070.Regarding a vacancy on Parish Council farmland, the chairman had asked Longstaff for a market valuation. It was resolved to delegate to the chairman and clerk, the marketing of the land to a new tenant.

23.071.It was resolved to delegate to the chairman the procurement of two laptops and associated equipment, up to a maximum cost of £2,000.

21:32hrs Mr Smith left the meeting.

23.072.The Parish Council resolved on the employment of the new clerk.


The chairman closed the meeting at 21:50hrs.