27 November 2023 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Pinchbeck Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs Monday, 27 November 2023 at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present: Cllr James Avery (chair), Cllr Andy Chamberlain (from 19:43hrs), Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Sam Jeffery, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr John Smith, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr Philip Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), one member of the press, eleven members of the public.
Absent: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ann Savage,

23.124.Cllr Andrew, Cllr Beavis, Cllr Roizer, Cllr Savage, Dist. Cllr Slade, and Dist. & County Cllr Sneath gave their apologies for absence.

23.125.There were no declarations of disclosable interest, nor requests for dispensation.

23.126.Members of the public made the following representations.

01.Members of the WI said that the group would be celebrating one hundred years of the WI in Pinchbeck 11 December 2023. Therefore, WI members would not be able to attend the next Parish Council meeting that evening.

02.A member of the public gave a presentation calling for LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) to reduce the speed limit on Glenside South, and to decide on an alternative route for the proposed Western Relief Road (see appendix 3).

19:43hrs Cllr Chamberlain joined the meeting.

23.127.The Council resolved to approve the minutes of the 07 November 2023 Parish Council meeting.

23.128.Chairman’s Report

01.The chairman handed a cheque to the Parish Council for £247.55. This amount was left over from funds raised by the WI for the Village Sign.

02.The chairman presented a memorandum from WI President M. J. Moyses, recording the transfer of the sign’s ownership from the WI to the Parish Council (see appendix 2).

23.129.Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01.The clerk reported:

i.Planning comments had sent to SHDC (South Holland District Council), as resolved.

ii.Information on the Parish Council’s website had been updated.

iii.The Christmas tree was due to arrive 10am Wednesday. Cllr Garner and Cllr Smith volunteered to help with the tree’s installation. The PC would be providing sausage rolls.

iv.Permission was being sought from LCC for the installation of a Barbara Camps memorial bench, donated by the Herring Lane Bakers.

v.The grass cutting, hedge cutting, and tree maintenance tender had been sent out to contractors, published on the PCC website, and published on the Governments Contract Finder website.

23.130.Financial matters.

01.The Council resolved to approve November 2023 payments (see appendix 1).


01.SHPVCS (South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Service) Autumn updates newsletter.

02.The clerk had replied to a note of thanks for help with the Remembrance Day Parade, received from the Royal British Legion.

03.Information on the AED (Automated External Defibrillators) fund from Sir John Hayes CBE MP.

04.LALC (Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils) November Training Bulletin. Cllr Smith would attend a councillor induction course via Microsoft Teams, 6pm Tuesday 6 February 2024.

05.The Council resolved for Cllr Gregory & Cllr Smith attend a PCC (Police & Crime Commissioner) Parish Council Engagement Session on behalf of the Parish Council. via Microsoft Teams 6pm Tuesday 12 December 2023.

23.132.Planning applications.

01.H14-0995-23 Tree works near Cuckoo Bridge. The Council resolved to make no comment.

23.133.The Council noted South Holland Planning decisions, as circulated with the agenda.

23.134.To consider Highways’ matters and traffic strategy.

01.In response to the representation for a speed reduction on Glenside South, the chairman would discuss the matter with LCC Highways.

02.Regarding the representation for an alternative route for the Western Relief Road, the chairman would raise the matter with SHDC at the right time.

03.LCC had sent results of a speed survey on Six House Bank.

04.Early in 2024, the chairman would discuss with Highways data obtained from the Parish Council’s SIDs (Speed Indicator devices) to find out what action Highways would be taking.

05.Cllr Moore would send SID data to Cllr Sears. The information remained confidential.

20:10hrs a member of the public joined the meeting.

20:14hrs the Council resolved to suspend standing orders to allow a member of the public to speak.

06.A member of the public spoke in favour of speed reduction on Glenside South.

20:16hrs the Council resolved to reinstate standing orders.

07.A discussion on the value of specialised street furniture to help with speed reduction took place.

23.135.The Council resolved to make the following councillor appointments to committees.

01.Finance Committee: Andrew, Avery, Beavis, Chamberlain, Jeffery, Moore, Ruysen, Tweddell.

02.Personnel Committee: Garner, Gregory, Jeffery, Savage, Smith.

03.Hub & Library Committee: Andrew, Gregory, Roizer, Sear, Smith.

04.Cemetery Committee: Avery, Beavis, Moore, Ruysen, Savage, Wood.

05.Open Spaces & Assets Committee: Avery, Chamberlain, Garner, Moore, Roizer, Savage, Sear, Tweddell, Wood.

06.The Council resolved that each committee was to put forward terms of reference for approval by full Council.

23.136.The Council resolved to hold the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting 7pm Monday 18 March 2024.

23.137.The Council resolved to reschedule the February Parish Council meeting to Tuesday 5 March 2024.

23.138.Next Parish Council meeting: 7.30pm Monday 11 December 2023.

23.139.The Council resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

20:20hrs eleven members of the public and one member of the press left the meeting.

23.140.Tree works.

01.The Council resolved to approve contractor repricing of the tree works at the War Memorial at an added cost of £612.20 to £2,172.20 excl. VAT.

02.Cllr Wood displayed work undertaken at Pinchbeck Wood by the Woodland Trust. The Council resolved to renew the agreement with the Woodland Trust and to look for further thinning works within the wood.

23.141.Blue Gowt Cemetery

01.The Council received minutes of the last cemetery committee meeting.

02.The Council resolved that financing for the new cemetery would be from existing reserves.

03.The clerk reported that a JCT Minor Works with Building Contract with contractor’s design (MWD) had been purchased @ £80 plus VAT. He would circulate a draft for approval for the next Parish Council meeting.

23.142.Playing Field leases.

01.Solicitors were still to provide a response about lease arrangements for the Glebe Field. The clerk and chairman to follow up.

02.Solicitors were still to provide a response on lease arrangements for Leaveslake Drove playing field and clubhouse.

23.143.The Council resolved that registration of any of its land not registered with HM Land Registry should go ahead at the earliest opportunity.

23.144.To help with access issues, the Council resolved that the chairman should inform residents at Gallery Walk of relevant land ownership between Gallery Walk and Captain’s Beck.

23.145.Following a resident’s request to buy a small piece of Parish Council land, the clerk was to check registration of land at Star Lode Drove. The chairman would visit the site to review the position of land boundaries.

23.146.The Council resolved that it did not require a subscription to the Village Halls Advisory Service.

23.147.The clerk reported that he was awaiting quotes for the following:

01.Replacement of scaled taps in the hub.

02.Removal of understairs toilet and wash basin in the hub.

03.Repair for the Cockerel Springy in the Glebe play area.

23.148.The Council resolved to defer a decision on the pension scheme Employer’s Discretion statement to the next Parish Council meeting.

23.149.Staffing & administration matters.

01.The clerk reported that following an appeal, HMRC had cancelled £200 late filing penalties.

02.The clerk reported that interviews for a new cleaner were taking place Monday 4 December 2023.

03.The Council resolved for the clerk to attend LALC cemetery training @ £60 + VAT.

04.The Council resolved to approve payment of the clerk’s SLCC membership @ £296.00.

05.The Council resolved to approve the clerk’s mileage expenses.


The chairman closed the meeting at 21:20hrs.