8 August 2023 Cemetery Committee

Minutes of Cemetery Committee Meeting held Tuesday August 08th 2023 @ 19:00

Present: Cllr Avery, Cllr Beavis, Cllr Moore, Cllr Ruysen.

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Savage.
  1. There were no pecuniary or other interests declared.
  1. Minutes of the last meeting were approved – moved by Cllr Avery and seconded by Cllr Ruysen.
  1. Specific questions – there were no specific questions.
  1. A presentation was received from…
  1. Adam Mayer of D Brown & Sons
  1. There followed general discussion of D Brown’s detailed presentation.
  1. Having now received all developer presentations it was suggested the Committee use a weighting mechanism to score each of the developers in order to arrive at a decision not based simply on cost. This would be the main agenda item at the next cemetery meeting.

From the previous meeting, there was an outstanding action to visit a development completed by Gunns & Roses in Boston. Councillor Moore to arrange this with Hugh Gunn.

  1. Planning condition requirements – there were no further deliberations.
  1. Funding Requirements – there were no further deliberations.
  1. Date of next meeting – August 31st  2023 @ 19:00