11 December 2023 Parish Council Meeting

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of the Pinchbeck Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs Monday, 11 December 2023 at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr James Avery (chair), Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Andy Chamberlain (from 19:36hrs), Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Sam Jeffery, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ann Savage, Cllr John Smith, Cllr Phil Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), District & County Cllr Sneath.
Absent: Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ben Sear.

23.150.Cllr Garner, Cllr Moore, Cllr Sear, Cllr Ruysen, & Dist. Cllr Slade gave their apologies for absence.

23.151.Disclosable interests and requests for dispensation.

01.Cllr Avery declared an interest in agenda item 9. As a member of the District Council’s planning committee, Cllr Avery had voted against one of the planning applications. He would not be voting on the matter.

02.There were no other declarations of disclosable interest, nor requests for dispensation.

23.152.There were no members of the public present.

23.153.The Council resolved to approve the minutes of the 27 November 2023 Parish Council meeting.

23.154.Chairman’s Report

01.Land ownership information requested by residents at Gallery Walk had been passed onto them.

02.Christmas recycling information was to be published on the Parish Council’s website by the clerk.

23.155.Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01.The clerk reported:

i.Planning comments had been sent to SHDC (South Holland District Council), as resolved.

ii.Information on the Parish Council’s website had been updated.

iii.The Christmas tree had been installed outside the school. Thanks were given for the helpers.

iv.A letter was to be sent to a resident who appeared to be attempting a land grab at Leaves Lake Field.

02.Other matters

i.Cllr Savage reported that the Remembrance Day lamppost poppies had been collected and would be returned to the office soon.

19:36hrs Cllr Chamberlain joined the meeting.

ii.The VAT reclaim is awaiting a change in the bank’s recorded address for the Parish Council.

iii.The Cockerel Springer in the Glebe Field, which has been broken off its base, had been stolen. The police had been informed and the matter was to be reported to insurers.

iv.The Financial Budget and precept for 2024-25 had to be approved no later than 29th January.

v.A reminder was given of nibbles at the Hub and Library next Wednesday 10.30am – 12.30pm.

23.156.Financial matters.

01.The council resolved to approve the November 2023 bank reconciliation and bank transactions (see appendix 1).

02.The Council resolved to approve payments to 11 December 2023 (see appendix 2).


01.It was resolved to approve a request from the WI to allow the group to plant a tree on the grassed area at the junction of Rose Lane and Wimberley Way.

02.Notification that consultation on Greater Lincolnshire devolution was open until 29 January 2023, was noted. See: https://www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/devolution. The chairman would submit a comment as considered appropriate.

03.The CallConnect Bus Service Christmas timetable would be published on the Parish Council’s website.

04.Information on The Lincolnshire Annual Employer Pension Meeting Survey was noted. Councillors interested should contact the clerk.

05.It was resolved in principle to allow the use of Rotten Row Playing Field for a community event, subject to the completion of an application form and final approval by the Parish Council.

06.It was resolved to approve an application form circulated by the clerk for the hire of Rotten Row Playing Field, subject to agreed corrections (see appendix 3).

07.The chairman would further consider information received from the Woodland’s Trust, about free tree packs.

08.The EMFF (East Midlands Funding Forum) December Bulletin had been circulated with the agenda. Councillors were to contact the clerk if they wished an item raised at a future meeting.

23.158.Planning applications.

01.H14-1079-23: Land at Yews Farm, Spalding Road, PE11 3UE. Up to 300 new homes. Amendment to approved house type. It was resolved to support this application as it was in keeping with the proposed street scene. The chairman abstained from voting on the matter as he had objected to the application as a member of the District’s Planning Committee.

02.H14-1081-23: Land north of Wardentree Lane. 96 dwellings. S73 amendment. It was resolved to object to this application because the proposed additional highway access would be dangerous, creating an unnecessary additional crossing of the cycle path and being too close to the junction with Atherton Gardens.

03.H14-1073-23: The Anglia Business Centre, Mill Green Road, PE11 3PU. Vehicle storage building. It was resolved to support this application because it would help employment in the area.

04.H14-1060-23: Rear of Northgate House Northgate Pinchbeck PE11 3SQ. Four additional storage containers. It was resolved to object to this application because the site was unsuitable as previously commented by the Parish Council for application H14-1200-22 (see appendix 4).

05.H14-1018-23: J O Sims Ltd, Pudding Lane, PE11 3TJ. Relocation of generator, fuel tank & condensers. It was resolved to support the application because it would help employment in the area.

23.159.The Council noted South Holland Planning decisions, as circulated with the agenda.

23.160.Highways’ matters and traffic strategy.

01.Regarding an LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) consultation on a proposed extension of waiting restrictions on Brunel Road, the chairman would submit an appropriate response.

02.Parish Council’s traffic strategy.

i.It was reported that NFU Mutual had announced plans to develop a “Code for Countryside Roads” after its 2023 Rural Road Safety report showed a significant rise in rural traffic incidents. The insurer was inviting the public to submit their views on the road safety consultation. The chairman would submit a comment as considered appropriate.

ii.It was reported that a full assessment of speeding on Wardentree Lane was being undertaken by LCC and that a report would be released in due course.

23.161.To consider the location of outdoor assets:

01.It was resolved to approve the siting of a Barbara Camps memorial bench, to be donated by the Herring Lane Bakers, outside the Pinchbeck Community Hub and Library. Subject to agreement on appropriate wording for a plaque and receipt of an affordable quote for installation, the Parish Council would be responsible for the purchase and installation of the bench.

02.To plant a tree in memory of Barbara Camps in the new Blue Gowt Cemetery, a 3m Beech Tree had been secured for the Parish Council by Cllr Ruysen @ £100.

03.Subject to the receipt of suitable quotations, it was resolved to install the two spare dog bag dispensers, next the Village Sign at West Pinchbeck and on the edge of The Glebe Field.

23.162.Next Parish Council meeting: 7.30pm Monday 29 January 2024.

23.163.The Council resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

23.164.Blue Gowt Cemetery

01.The clerk reported that a draft JCT Minor Works was mostly complete. It was resolved to delegate final approval to the cemetery committee.

23.165.Playing Field leases.

01.Solicitors had provided a report about lease arrangements at The Glebe Field. The clerk and chairman had a meeting arranged with solicitors to discuss.

02.Solicitors were still to provide a response on lease arrangements for Leaveslake Drove playing field and clubhouse. This would be followed up at the solicitors meeting.

23.166.Revised cemetery fees were considered. Cllr Smith would review proposals against other local authority prices. Meetings with Funeral Directors were to be arranged in the New Year to discuss revised pricing, new rules, and application arrangements.

23.167.Quotes for works.

01.It was resolved to approve a quote for the replacement of scaled taps in the hub @ £325.00.

02.It was resolved to approve a quote for the removal of the understairs toilet & wash basin @ £60.00.

03.It was resolved to source an additional quote for the installation of a sounder beacon in the Sam Newson Lounge to allow alarm activations to be better heard.

04.It was resolved to delegate a decision on PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) to the clerk at a maximum cost of @ £1.25 per appliance.

05.It was resolved to authorise the clerk to appoint an audit via LALC (Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils) @ £330.

23.168.The Council resolved to approve the Pension Scheme’s Employer’s Discretion Statement as previously circulated.

23.169.Staffing & administration matters.

01.The clerk reported that the library volunteers had agreed to continue to open the library on the first Saturday of each month. The Council expressed their appreciation for the work the volunteers undertook.

02.The clerk reported that interviews for a new cleaner had taken place Monday 4 December 2023 and that having received a satisfactory reference the new cleaner would commence work with the opening of the hub and library on Wednesday 3 January 2024.

The chairman closed the meeting at 21:13hrs.