26 June 2023 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Pinchbeck Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs Monday, 26 June 2023 at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr James Avery (chair), Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Geoffrey Garner, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Sam Jeffrey, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Dean Roizer (co-opted from 20:45hrs), Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage, Cllr Ben Sear (co-opted from 20:30hrs), Cllr John Smith (co-opted from 20:30hrs), Cllr Philip Tweddell (co-opted from 20:30hrs), Cllr Oliver Wood. Mr Robert Smith (interim clerk), Mr Duncan Browne (Press), twelve members of the public.

Absent: Cllr Emma Beavis,

The chairman welcomed all present.

23.030.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Beavis and District Cllr Elizabeth Sneath.

23.031.The chairman declared that he knew some of the candidates for co-option, but that this did not constitute a conflict of interest and he would participate fully in the co-option process. The chairman also declared his membership on the District Council’s planning committee but again this did not create any conflict of interest. There were no other declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

23.032.The following representations were received from members of the public.

01.Concern was expressed about the fence on Fennel Row and Rose Lane which was subject to an enforcement notice but had only been partly taken down. The chairman said that no action could be taken until the notice period on the enforcement notice had expired.

02.Thanks were expressed for the support given by the chairman & Parish Council for the campaign for a footpath on Market Way. The latest meeting with Highways had seen a movement away from officers giving a straight no to the request, and there was increased hope that the objective could be achieved.

23.033.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 22 May 2023 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.

23.034.Co-option of new parish councillors

01.There were four vacancies for councillors arising from the May 2023 elections: two for the Pinchbeck Ward and two for the Crossgate Ward. Seven applications had been received & circulated to members.

02.In accordance with the Representation of the People Act 1985, The chairman called for a vote for the co-option, with members voting on their support for each candidate by a show of hands.

03.It was resolved by an absolute majority to co-opt Dean Roizer and Ben Sear onto the Parish Council representing the Pinchbeck Ward.

One member of the public left the meeting.

04.It was resolved, by an absolute majority, to co-opt John Smith and Philip Tweddell onto the Parish Council representing the Crossgate Ward

05.The Chairman declared Cllr Roizer, Cllr Sear, Cllr Smith, and Cllr Tweddell, duly appointed.

06.The four new councillors signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, witnessed by the clerk.

07.The new councillors would be sent a copy of the Code of Conduct and a Notification of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interest form for completion and to return to the Clerk. Under the Localism Act 2011, the Clerk was required to lodge the completed disclosable interest form with the Monitoring Office at the District Council within 28 days of the co-option.

08.The councillors would also be sent a copy of the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

23.035.Chairman’s report – see appendix.

23.036.To receive the clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01.The Pensions’ Declaration had been submitted within the required deadline.

02.The new bank mandate had been submitted to Barclays as resolved.

03.The AGAR and other required information were to be submitted to the external auditor and posted on the Parish Council’s website by the respective deadlines.

04.Planning comments had been submitted as resolved.

05.No action had yet been taken about marketing the forthcoming allotment tenancy. It was noted that there was an interested party. Longstaff were to be contacted about market values.

06.A draft tree policy had been submitted to the chairman. The previous tree survey needed to be reviewed and map of parish owned trees drawn up before a survey can be undertaken.

07.Cllr Garner had attended the 14 June 2023 Special General Meeting of the South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Service (SHPVCS). The meeting was arranged to address non-compliant rules & issues with the constitution. Cllr Garner planned to attend the next meeting, 28 September 2023.

08.The chairman reported that Southeast Lincolnshire Councils’ Partnership were offering support for a tree planting and a community orchards scheme.

23.037.Financial matters.

01.The following bank balances were noted:

Barclays Community Current Account 4238 £228,163.80
Barclays Community Account 7251 £60.50
Barclays Business Capital Account 1857 £204,692.68
Barclays Pinc Parish IAS 4246 £8,541.31
Barclays Community Library Account 1517 £60,490.25
Total £501,948.54

02.It was noted that the balances held by the Parish Council were not, for the most part, covered by the FSCS depositor’s guarantee scheme (max £85,000) and new bank accounts needed investigation.

03.The chairman noted that £205k of the above was capital receipts, reserved for the new cemetery development. Money was also set aside for more play equipment. S.106 payments from the power station fund had yet to be spent in full. The remaining sum of around £250k, was a reasonable amount to hold in general reserves.

04.The Parish Council owned ~190 acres of land. Land rental by the Council reduced the precept.

05.Giving difficulties accessing the Parish Council’s bank accounts & records, the clerk reported that payments were behind where they should be. It was resolved to approve the following payments and for the chairman and clerk to make further urgent payments as considered necessary.


£ Total (incl. VAT)

Information Commissioner


Initial Washrooms Solutions


RM & EC Collingwood Smith


TV Licensing


Wicksteed Leisure Ltd


Tower Mint Ltd


Robert Doughty Consultancy


LT Electrical Services


ESPO (Gas)


ESPO (Office Supplies)


Spalding Flower Parade


Black Sluice IDB


Better Waste Solutions Ltd


My Castle Property Maintenance




23.038.Receipt of an email about speeding along the main road from the roundabout to the top of Wardentree Lane was noted. The primary view from the Council was that this was a matter of enforcement by the Police, particularly as required between the periods 6-8am and 8-9pm. It was agreed to get the Community Speed Watch up and running again. Cllr Tweddell volunteered to attend events and would undertake the required training as soon as possible. The Parish Council had two interactive speed signs with approval to purchase a further two. The clerk reported that purchase of the new signs had been delayed due to problems with arranging payment. Data from the signs was to be used to convince highways and the Police of the need for action.

23.039.It was resolved to submit the comments to the District Council about planning applications as follows:

01.H14-0553-23: Willow Tree Fen Slipe Drove West. It was resolved to support the application because it helped employment in the area.

Cllr Smith declared an interest in the following matter as a resident at Four Acres and abstained from voting.

02.H14-0508-23: Land Adj. Four Acres Beck Bank. It was resolved to support the application because the development would be unobtrusive and not affect the street scene.

03.H14-0483-23: 56 Parson Drove. It was resolved to support the application because it was in keeping with the street scene.

04.H14-0485-23: Land off Glenside. It was resolved to support the application but make the comment that native UK species should be used for tree planting.

05.H14-0486-23: Pear Tree Farm Money Bridge Lane. It was resolved to support the application because it was it was in keeping with the street scene.

06.H14-0464-23: Plot 75 Former Keston Nurseries Off Mill Green Road. It was resolved to support the application because it was it was in keeping with the street scene.

23.040.Planning appeal H14-0983-22, 75 Church Street was noted.

23.041.District Council planning decisions were noted.

23.042.Traffic Strategy.

01.Following a petition with 1,900 signatures for a footpath along Market Way, about which the Parish Council was fully supportive, a meeting had been held with Highways. The Highways response was much more positive than previously received, with funding for a feasibility study now being sought.

02.Following an enquiry by Cllr Moore, the chairman agreed to take up with Highways the previously agreed speed reduction signs on Surfleet Road and Six House Bank, West Pinchbeck, which had not been installed.

23.043.Cllr Moore reported on the new Blue Gowt Cemetery. Whilst he was still waiting for a quote from one contractor, he now had quotes from three others. Cllr Moore would arrange a meeting of the cemetery committee to which the prospective contractors would be invited. The clerk would obtain information about receiving a loan from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB).

23.044.It was resolved for the chairman to commission the repair of the Pinchbeck village sign from Robert Browning @ £990, including the repair of the metal box section.

23.045.Items for the agenda of a future meeting.

01.Organisation and membership of committees (chairman).

02.Grass cutting contract due for renewal in September (Cllr Moore).

03.Report on trees in the closed churchyard (Cllr Moore).

04.Playing field lease (Cllr Moore).

23.046.It was resolved to move into closed session [Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).]     

Seven members of the public and a member of the press left the meeting.

23.047.Cllr Andrew reported that a 3rd quote for a car park at Six House Bank had been received on land previously gifted to the Council. It was to be investigated if the works could be tied in with the new cemetery development.

23.048.Staffing & administration matters.

01.It was resolved to delegate to the chairman, vice-chair, and clerk, authorisation of a payment of £6,475.35 payable to the previous clerk relating to an earlier agreed pension obligation.

02.It was resolved to obtain quotes for cleaning services (Cllr Chamberlain).

03.It was resolved to delegate the appointment of a new clerk to chairman and vice-chair.

23.049.It was resolved for future Parish Council meetings to take place at 19:30hrs on the last Monday of the month, excepting that there would be no meeting in August, and the December meeting would be held on the second Monday of the month.

The chairman closed the meeting at 22:23hrs.