23 July 2023 Cemetery Committee

Blue Gowt Cemetery Committee Meeting – Monday July 24 2023 @ 18:00

Present: Cllr Avery, Cllr Moore (chair), Cllr Ruysen

  1. Cllr Avery nominated Cllr Moore to act as Chairman for the year, which was seconded by Cllr Ruysen.

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Savage and Cllr Beavis.

  1. There were no pecuniary or other interests declared.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting were approved – moved by Cllr Avery and seconded by Cllr Ruysen.

  1. The meeting moved into close session, even though no members of the public were in attendance.

  1. Specific questions – there were no generic questions

  1. Presentations were received from…

  1. Lindums – did not attend and gave their apologies

  2. Browns – did not attend, but will organise for a future date

  3. Gunns & Roses - presented

  4. T&M Agricultural Contractors Ltd - presented

  5. Firths - presented

  1. There followed general discussion of supplier presentations, but Councillors present felt no decision could be made until Browns had delivered their presentation – scheduled for early August.

  1. Planning condition requirements

  1. Condition 4 - Of the approved planning consent – approval decision given on April 24 2023, condition 4 – full means of surface water disposal shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the LPA. This condition must be catered for and approved by the Parish Council prior to the commencement of works by any contractor.

  2. Condition 6 - Details of external illumination of the building and the wider site, including details of illumination, hours of use and controls, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the LPA. It was agreed there will be no illumination provided within the new cemetery facility.

  3. Condition 9 – It is recommended that the surfacing of the formal car park (22 spaces) is of bound gravel. This suggests the car park, and other hard surfaced areas will be of a permeable construction. This is not necessarily the intention of the Parish council. Cllr Avery to discuss this point with Phil Norman – Planning Manager for SHDC, and report back to next meeting.

  1. Funding Requirements – Some funds are already available (banked) from the precept. Other funds will become available from S106 Developer Contributions, but these are weighted into the future. Without discussing specific numbers, it was agreed the way forward should be to borrow (possibly PWLB) the shortfall, and repay via an increase in the Parish precept until Developer contributions are available, and that any further shortfall will be continued as an outstanding loan, paid via the precept.

  1. Date of next meeting – 08 August 08 2023 @ 19:00