16 October 2023 Cemetery Committee

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Minutes of Cemetery Committee meeting held 19:00hrs, Monday, 16 October 2023 at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present:   Cllr James Avery, Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Terry Moore (chair), Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage, Mr Robert Smith (clerk).

Absent: None.

1.There were no apologies, all members of the committee were present.

2.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

3.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 31 August 2023.

4.It was resolved on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

5.Contractual arrangements for the construction of the proposed Blue Gowt cemetery.

i.It was agreed that Cllr Moore would act as the project manager for the project.

ii.Cllr Moore confirmed that the contract had been awarded to Gunns and Roses Ltd, West Pinchbeck, subject to contract based on quote received of £206,921.02 plus VAT. A works plan tied to a payment schedule was awaited.

iii.It was recommended that there should be a ~20% contingency for the project, giving a budget of £250,000.

iv.It was agreed that the contract should covered by a JCT (The Joint Contracts Tribunal Ltd) Minor Works Contract.

v.Environment Agency requirements for protecting groundwater were to be confirmed.

vi.Agenda item to be raised for the next Parish Council meeting seeking authority for the committee to make payments during the construction phase of the project.

vii.It was asked whether an entrance for pedestrians could be located at the end of Market Way to save footpath costs.

viii.It was thought that it would be advantageous if the start of the project could be delayed to April 2024. Although it was important to discharge the time limit condition on the cemetery’s planning application [not later than 14 February 2024].

ix.It was suggested that a mature beech tree could be planted in the middle of the proposed recreation with a plaque in memory of Barbara Camps.

6.Funding arrangements.

i.Cllr Avery stated that expected s106 contributions towards the project could be subject to protracted delays and so these could not be relied on for short term cash requirements.

ii.It was resolved to recommend to full Council that £100,000 of the project costs be taken from Capital Receipts Account and that the remaining £150,000 be borrowed over 25 years from the PWLB (Public Works Loan Board). At the current EIP (Equal Instalments of Principle) rate (5.72%) this would equate to a repayment cost of £14,494.20 in the first year [reducing by £85.80 every ½ year]. At the Parish Council’s current Tax Base of 1945, this was equivalent to an additional £7.45 on the Band D Council Tax Charge.

iii.It was considered that risks of future interest rate rises had reduced and therefore unlikely that there would be any further significant increases in rates.

iv.With anticipated s.106 contribution payments from developers. it was hoped that the loan could be repaid early. Also, the number of new housing developments in the Parish would increase the Council’s Tax Base, thereby reducing the cost to individual Council Taxpayers.

v.Appropriate consultation with electors about taking out a PWLB loan was required.

7.Next Steps

i.Appropriate resolutions to be raised for the next Parish Council meeting (Clerk).

ii.Environment Agency groundwater protection requirements to be checked (Clerk).

iii.JCT Minor Works contract to be sourced (Clerk).

iv.LALC (Lincolnshire Associate of Local Councils to be contacted to initiate PWLB application and ability to make penalty free early repayments to be checked (Clerk).

v.Gunns & Roses to be consulted about proposed delay to the start of project, whilst still discharging time limit condition on planning application (Cllr Moore).

vi.Planning to be contacted about pedestrian entrance & the need for a footpath (Cllr Avery).

vii.Options for sourcing tree for Barbara Camps memorial to be investigated (Cllr Ruysen).

8.Cherry Holt Lane Cemetery

i.It was noted that Mr Ian Sismey was continuing the process of updating cemetery records and, at no additional cost to the council, would manage the cemetery until December 2023.

ii.The clerk stated that he would put forward proposals for a subscription to cemetery management software in time to start the new fiscal year. This would be in conjunction with a proposal to change to the Parish Council’s accounting software.

9.Next meeting: 7pm Monday 13 November 2023.


The chair closed the meeting at 20:30hrs.