2 October 2023 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Pinchbeck Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs Monday, 02 October 2023 at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr James Avery (chair), Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Sam Jeffrey, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr Philip Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood. Mr Robert Smith (clerk), 11 members of the public.

Absent: Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Geoffrey Garner, Cllr John Smith.

Welcome was given.

The chairman read some of the heartfelt comments reported in the press following Barbara Camp’s death and expressed the Parish Council’s deep condolences to her family and friends. All then stood for a minute’s silence in remembrance of Barbara.

The chairman welcomed Robert Smith, who had previously been working on an interim basis, as the new permanent clerk.

23.073.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Beavis, Cllr Garner, Cllr Smith, & District Cllr Sneath.

23.074.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

23.075.The following representations were received from members of the public.

01.Resident to report missing street sign on Guildhall Drive via https://fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk/.

02.Resident experiencing foul smoke and odour from bonfires to report to SHDC (South Holland District Council) Environmental Health via https://www.sholland.gov.uk/article/10757/Bonfires.

03.An update about Market Way was requested. The chairman said that the residents’ petition had been formally received by Highways. A decision on undertaking a feasibility study was awaited.

04.A request was made to fly the Autistic Pride Flag and the LGBTQA+ Pride flag during June Pride month and Autistic Pride Day 18 June 2024. As there was no flagpole on the Pinchbeck library building, it was suggested that SHDC offices and Springfields Shopping Centre could be approached. The chairman said that he would find out was planned by SHDC.

23.076.It was resolved to request that the Police set the following priorities for the forthcoming quarter:

01.Speeding: Pinchbeck was reportedly becoming a rat run between the A16 and Glenside South.

02.Antisocial Behaviour: Pinchbeck football field, Pinchbeck Wood and Bridge House, Northgate were highlighted as particular areas of concern.

03.A hight level of visible policing was requested to help address both these issues.

23.077.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 31 July 2023 Parish Council meeting.

23.078.Chairman’s Report

01.Barbara Camps’ funeral arrangements were given.

02.A permanent memorial to Barbara was discussed. Ideas included a plaque and a tree.

03.Most Parish Council’s payments were being made electronically and generally were up to date.

04.An official handover of the Pinchbeck village sign from the WI to the Parish Council would take place 11:00 Saturday 04 November 2023.

05.The clerk and the chairman had attended a meeting to discuss remaining snagging issues relating to flood repairs to the Sports Pavilion at Leaves Lake Drove. It was resolved to delegate works to replace the electricity main consumer board and PAT testing to the chairman and clerk. Legionnaire control measures required further consideration for both the pavilion and the community hub and library.

06.The marketing of the Farm Business Tenancy for Houghton’s Field was being progressed through Longstaff & Co.

07.It was noted that following a review by SHDC, the waste collection days had changed.

08.For councillors to add matters to a forthcoming agenda, under Standing Orders a written request should be made to the clerk to be received 10 days before the date of the meeting.

23.079.Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01.The clerk reported:

i.Planning comments had been submitted as resolved.

ii.The Parish Council’s insurance had been renewed with Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance effective from 21/09/23 @ £3,228.24 incl. IPT.

iii.The two new SIDs would be ordered this week. Due to a time limited offer, the price had reduced by £500 to £3,999 excl. VAT.

23.080.Financial matters.

01.The following bank balances were noted:

Barclays Community Current Account 4238                      £179,851.81

Barclays Community Account 7251                                            £60.50

Barclays Business Capital Account 1857                           £204,692.68

Barclays Pinc Parish IAS 4246                                               £9,112.67

Barclays Community Library Account 1517                         £59,456.35

Total £453,174.01

02.It was resolved to approve recent payments as reported by the clerk.

03.It was noted that the notice of conclusion of audit and external auditor’s report and certificate for y/e 31 March 2023 had been published on the Parish Council’s website. There were no matters raised by the external auditors that gave cause for concern.

04.A financial report produced by Mr Ian Sismey to 31 August 2023 was circulated. Councillors were asked to review and submit any queries to the clerk.


01.A forthcoming open spaces questionnaire from the three-council partnership was noted.

02.Information on DHSC (Department of Health & Social Care) Community Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Fund was noted.

03.Information on a new Electrical Safety Fund was noted.

04.A call for evidence from the Jo Cox Civility Commission was noted.

05.The Parish Council had no objection to the proposed colours for the replacement Two Plank Footbridge which would be holly green, a white parapet with green handrail.

06.An update on improvements to the A16/A151 Springfields Roundabout in Spalding was noted.

07.An invitation for a Parish Council representative to attend the next Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Community Liaison Group (CLG) was noted.

08.The chairman would either attend or request that another councillor takes part in a proposed Police Parish engagement session to be held [12] December 2023. There was a deadline of 22 October for receipt of responses to attendee survey.

09.Following reports of antisocial behaviour at the community hub and library, the provision of CCTV was to be included on the next meeting’s agenda.

23.082.Planning applications.

01.H14-0851-23: Plot 2 Adj. 202 Spalding Road, PE11 3PB. It was resolved to support the application on reserved matters.

02.H14-0836-23: adj. The Anglia Business Centre Mill, Green Road, PE11 3PY. Additional self-store containers. It was resolved to support the application because it would support employment.

03.H14-0819-23: War Memorial, TPO works. It was resolved to support the application.

04.H14-0810-23: Wisteria Farm, North Gate, PE11 3TA. 3 new dwellings & demolition of agricultural buildings. It was resolved to object to the application because the site was in open countryside.

05.H14-0802-23: land at Wardentree Park. Fibre exchange. It was resolved to support the application because it would improve Parish infrastructure.

06.H14-0777-23: The Old Farmhouse, Money Bridge Lane, PE11 3SB. It was resolved to make no comment on these condition compliance matters.

07.H14-0781-23: Bridge House, Northgate Pinchbeck PE11 3SE. Replacement dwelling. It was resolved to object to the application due to overdevelopment of the site.

08.H14-0778-23: 1 Oldham Drive, PE11 3XZ. Replacement single storey extension. It was resolved to support the application as it was in keeping with the street scene.

09.H14-0766-23: land south of Green Lane/east of Bacons Lane, PE11 3XS. It was resolved to make no comment on these condition compliance matters.

10.H14-0723-23: Wardentree Lodge, Wardentree Lane, PE11 3UF. Garden outbuilding. It was resolved to support the application as it was in keeping with the street scene.

11.H14-0724-23: Wardentree Lodge, Wardentree Lane, PE11 3UF. Carport, canopy, and garage conversion. It was resolved to support the application as it was in keeping with the street scene.

12.H14-0713-23: 47 Church Street, PE11 3UB. Solar field. It was resolved to support the application as it would improve Parish sustainability.

23.083.Planning decisions.

01.H14-0757-23: rear of Mulberry House, Northgate, PE11 3TB. Agricultural Shed. Approved.

02.H14-0705-23: Waterside Cottage, 76 Six House Bank, PE11 3QG. Fence & gates. Approved.

03.H14-0691-23: land at Green Lane/ Bacons Lane, PE11 3XS. Lawful Use Certificate. Approved.

04.H14-0692-23: Lingarden Ltd, Wardentree Park, PE11 3ZN. Fibre infrastructure. Approved.

05.H14-0617-23: Light Source, Bervor Close, PE11 3FZ. Change use to Council Depot. Approved.

06.H14-0570-23: rear of 25 Market Way, PE11 3PE. New dwelling. Approved.

07.H14-0508-23: land Adj. Four Acres, Beck Bank. 4 Dwellings. Modification. Approved.

08.H14-0485-23: land off Glenside North, Spalding.    Condition compliance. Approved.

23.084.Highways’ matters.

01.A discussion took place about the continual problem of speeding in the Parish. It was noted that speed survey data from LCC was still awaited.

02.The need to get Community Speed Watch up and running was emphasised and to get the two new Speed Indicator Devices put up as soon as possible. The chair would arrange a meeting with Highways. The Police needed to be involved and the chair would include the problems of speeding in the Parish in a letter to Marc Jones, PCC (Police & Crime Commissioner).

23.085.Parish Council grounds maintenance contract 2024.

01.Cllr Moore gave a presentation on the draft document which was intended to make clear to the contractor the areas involved in grass cutting, hedge cutting, and grounds maintenance in the Parish, and the requirements set out in the specification.

02.St Bartholomew’s was understood to be an open church yard, whilst St Mary’s was closed.

03.Market Way verge currently cut by local resident was to be included in the contract.

04.It was resolved that the chairman would review the draft contract with a view to making it more concise, following which, in consultation with Cllr Moore, Cllr Tweddle and the clerk, invitations to tender would be issued.

23.086.Tree maintenance

01.A tree at the War Memorial were in urgent need of attention to be undertaken before the Remembrance Day parade. Quotes to remove this and tidy up the area were to be considered in closed session.

02.A meeting with the tree conservation officer at SHDC identified several issues at St Mary’s churchyard, including ash die back in the carpark. As this was not considered to be an urgent health & safety matter other works would be prioritised before actioning improvements at this location.

03.Urgent issues with trees identified at Cherry Holt Lane Cemetery were:

i.Lifting the tree canopy to facilitate safer grass cutting.

ii.Cutting edges of all boundaries and pathways.

iii.Remove deadwood.

iv.Stump removal.

04.Responsibility with Pinchbeck Wood rests with the landowner. The tree conservation officer recommended that a tree survey was undertaken to identify issues, relative risks, and priorities. The Woodland Trust was to be contacted about its agreement to look after the trees in this area and to see if it would undertake a tree survey.

05.It was resolved that Cllr Moore would draw up a road map/tree action plan.

23.087.Remembrance Service and Parade -12 November 2023.

01.LCC are aware of that application for road closures, which was to be submitted later in the week.

02.There is a requirement for 14 volunteers to marshal the road closures.

03.The chairman, Cllr Moore, and Cllr Tweddle agreed to put up the poppies on the lampposts.

04.Date and responsibilities for putting up road signage and cones for road closure to be checked.

05.Cllr Moore was arranging with the British Legion the Parish Council’s wreath.

06.The chairman will work with Cllr Moore and other councillors to ensure that all matters are covered.

23.088.UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

01.The chairman would check availability of funds for possible allocation to the new cemetery project.

23.089.To consider a lorry park for the area.

01.Chairman to take up with SHDC Dist. Cllr Nick Worth to look at the Gateway to Spalding being an ideal location.

23.090.ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

01.It was resolved to ratify the purchase of two new laptops and ancillary equipment as purchased by the clerk @ £2,046.65 plus VAT.

02.It was resolved to approve two subscriptions to Microsoft 365 Business Standard @ £123.60 per user/year plus VAT.

03.It was resolved to approve the application for a .gov.uk domain name in order to operate two email addresses in the format clerk@pinchbeck-pc.gov.uk and admin@pinchbeck-pc.gov.uk at an approximate cost of £110 p.a.

04.It was resolved that the Administrator’s old laptop could be passed for use by the Administrative Assistant.

23.091.It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

21:25hrs 11 members of the public left the meeting.

23.092.Blue Gowt Cemetery

01.Following a benchmarking & value analysis of 4 contractors, and in line with the Cemetery Committee’s recommendation, it was resolved to appoint Gunns & Roses Ltd, as the main contractor for the construction of the Blue Gowt Cemetery, subject to contract. This was based on a quote of £206,921.02 plus VAT. Quotes and correspondence to be forwarded to the clerk for the Council’s record.

02.As previously resolved, funding for the project would be taken out of capital reserves with the remainder financed via borrowing from the PWLB (Public Works Loan Board). As s.106 cemetery monies was received the loan could be paid back early. A more detailed analysis of funds available to be undertaken by the chairman and clerk, prior to any decision being made.

23.093.It was resolved to appoint Alan Day Groundworks for the construction of the new car park @ £4,962. Quotes to be forwarded to the clerk for the Council’s record.

23.094.It was resolved to delegate actions relating to the Glebe playing field’s lease and its use by Pinchbeck Football Club to the chairman and the clerk.

23.095.Options for cleaning services to be deferred to the next meeting.


01.It was resolved to approve play equipment inspections with Wicksteed Leisure @ £99.00 per site.

02.It was resolved to approve tree works at the War Memorial with Gunns & Roses @ £1,500. To be undertaken before the Remembrance Parade 12 November 2023. Quotes to be forwarded to the clerk for the Council’s record.

23.097.Staffing & administration matters

01.It was noted that the clerk intended to bring staff payroll in house from October 2023.

02.It was noted that matters relating to outstanding staff payments had been completed.

03.Actions relating to staff welfare were delegated to Cllr Savage and Cllr Gregory.


The chairman closed the meeting at 10:14hrs.