31 August 2023 Cemetery Committee

Minutes of Cemetery Committee Meeting held Thursday August 31st 2023 @ 19:00

In attendance: Cllr Avery, Cllr Moore, Cllr Savage, Cllr Ruysen, Cllr Beavis.

  1. There were no apologies for absence.
  1. There were no pecuniary or other interests declared.
  1. Minutes of the last meeting were approved – moved by Cllr Avery and seconded by Cllr Ruysen.
  1. Specific questions – there were no specific questions.

                    The new cemetery committee had now seen all potential developer presentations.

Two presentations were lacking in sufficient detail in both their costings and plans to give Councillors a level of confidence. Therefore, of the four presentations, two were shortlisted – Gunns & Roses and D. Brown. Both presentations were significantly more detailed and contained appropriate detail to make a decision.

Cost Comparison…

Gunns & Roses           £206,921.02+ vat

D Brown                     £232,572 + vat


A weighting matrix was to be used to determine which of the two should be chosen to deliver the new cemetery. Both suppliers to be scored against Cost, Value, Risk, Quality and Working Together. Copy of matrix attached.

Score Comparison…

Gunns & Roses  24 out of a possible 25

D Brown           19 out of a possible 25

Based on these scores Gunns & Roses was proposed by Cllr Avery, seconded by Cllr Savage. Support for this was unanimous.

Therefore, Gunns & Roses will be recommended to Full Council at the next meeting.

Funding – Cllr Avery to follow up with Ian Sismey to clearly identify how much money is currently in reserves and earmarked directly for the new cemetery.

Cllr Avery will also pick up with the Clerk as to what might be the most appropriate route to capital borrowing.


Date of next meeting – tba