11 January 2024 Cemetery Committee

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of the Cemetery Committee meeting held 18:00hrs,Thursday, 11 January 2024,  Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library

Present:     Cllr James Avery, Cllr Terry Moore (chair), Cllr Ann Savage, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), Mr Hugh Gunn (Gunns & Roses Ltd).
Absent:     Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Oliver Wood.

24.01.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Beavis and Cllr Ruysen.

24.02.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

24.03.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 13 November 2023.

24.04.The chair deferred the agenda item on moving into closed session, to allow an open discussion on Blue Gowt Lane construction matters.

24.05.Blue Gowt Lane Cemetery Construction.

01.The clerk reported that the JCT contract had been agreed and signed and an initial payment made to secure materials at budgeted prices.

02.The clerk reported that he had issued an F10 project notification to The Health & Safety Executive.

03.The chair reported that revised drawings were awaiting connection information from Anglian Water.

04.Building materials for the amenity building

i.It was resolved to approve smooth black slate roof tiles.

ii.It was resolved to approve Chelsea smoked bricks.

iii.It was resolved to approve anthracite smooth metal plain flat door, black guttering, and drainpipes.

05.The contractor’s updated payment schedule was awaited.

24.06.It was resolved on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

24.07.It was resolved to invite Mr Gunn to stay for the remainder of the meeting.

24.08.Cemetery Administration.

01.Following a review of neighbouring burial authorities’ pricing, it was resolved to approve revised cemetery fees (see appendix 1).

02.The clerk would circulate revised cemetery regulations and procedures for email review by committee members, prior to submission to the Parish Council for approval.

24.09.The next meeting was to be called by the committee chair as required.

The chair closed the meeting at 19:26hrs.

Appendix 1

Cemetery Price List 

   Parishioner  Non-Parishioner
Burial in earthern grave    
- Exclusive Rights of Burial  £  200.00  £  600.00
- Interment  £  300.00  £  900.00
- Right to erect a memorial stone  £  200.00  £  400.00
Right to place a small wooden cross  £    50.00  £  100.00
Right to an additional inscription  £   100.00  £  200.00
Burial in earthern grave for a child under 18 years  
Exclusive Rights of Burial  No charge   £  200.00
Interment  No charge   £  300.00
Right to erect a memorial stone  No charge   £  200.00
Right to place a small wooden cross  No charge   £    50.00
Burial of ashes    
Exclusive Rights of Burial  £    75.00  £  150.00
Interment  £  150.00  £  300.00
Right to erect a memorial stone  £  100.00  £  200.00
Right to an additional inscription  £    50.00  £  100.00
Burial of ashes for a child under 18 years    
Exclusive Rights of Burial   No charge  £      75.00
Interment   No charge  £    150.00
Right to erect a memorial stone No charge  £    100.00
Other fees    
Transfer of Exclusive Rights of Burial  £  100.00  £  200.00
Disinterment of earthen grave1  £  2,000.00  £  2,000.00
Disinterment of ashes1  £  750.00  £  750.00
Fees fixed by Pinchbeck Parish Council in pursuance of its powers in respect of the cemetery situated at Cherry Holt Lane, Pinchbeck, Spalding, PE11 3RJ, for payments received from 1st January 2024.
All fees are subject to conditions, a written application, and approval by the Parish Council.
The above prices do not include grave digging services.  
1 Subject to granting of a full licence from the Ministry of Justice.