13 May 2024 Open Spaces & Assets Committee

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Minutes of meeting held 19:00hrs, Monday, 13 May 2024, at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present: Cllr James Avery, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Terry Moore (chair), Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Oliver Wood, Mr Robert Smith (clerk).

Absent: Cllr Andrew Chamberlain, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ann Savage, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr Phil Tweddell.

Any action points to be undertaken by the clerk, unless otherwise stated.

24.11. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Chamberlain, Cllr Savage, Cllr Sear, and Cllr Tweddell.

24.12. There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

24.13. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held 15 April 2024.

24.14. Following a proposal by the chair, it was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

24.15. Outside assets 

01. Asset register

i. The clerk circulated the Council’s asset register updated to 31 March 2024. Further work was still required in detailing asset locations, photographs, and replacement costs.

ii. As required training and PPR was not necessarily in place for the use of strimmers or knapsack spraying, it was resolved to dispose of this equipment. Equipment to be inspected for suitability for second-hand sale.

iii. Cllr Ruysen would kindly store the Parish Council’s 2 x 19kg propane gas cylinders in safe cage storage at D & R Simmons Ltd until required. Cllr Moore kindly agreed to transport the cylinders to the premises.

iv. As resolved at the last Parish Council meeting a subscription to Parish Online geospatial mapping had been taken out. The service had the facility for recording the Council’s assets on Ordnance Survey maps.  

v. The clerk reported that an urgent safety notice had been received affecting the Parish Council’s defibrillators, which were to be checked for faults.

02. Quotes for works

i. It was resolved to recommend to the Parish Council approval of tree works at Leaveslake Drove Playing Field @ £2,750.00.

ii. It was resolved to recommend to the Parish Council approval of regular grass cutting of the Northgate car park @ £40 per cut.

iii. The clerk reported that the proposed Northgate car park works had been delayed, reportedly due to the weather. The contractor stated that works would certainly begin by the end of July 2024 and, if possible, work would start earlier.

iv. Regarding the Council’s Farm Business Tenancies, it was to be checked as to whom had responsibility for maintaining unadopted field drains.

24.16. Parks 

01. RPII annual play area inspection reports improvement works progress.

i. Work had been commissioned for the repair and renovation of the cemetery gates and railings.

ii. Work had been commissioned for the repair, replacement, and renovation of Parish Council benches. 

iii. Locks for the gates at Rotten Row were pending installation.

iv. The benefits of undertaking a tour of the Parish by councillors was discussed. It was resolved to recommend to the Parish Council that the July Parish Council meeting be held at West Pinchbeck Village Hall.

v. Signage was pending rules & regulations review as below.

02. Rules & regulations

i. A meeting with South Holland District Council’s (SHDC) dog warden had been requested by the clerk. A review of the parks’ rules and renewed signage would await feedback from this meeting.  

24.17. Future agenda items.

01. As sufficient matters were under consideration, no additional agenda items were put forward.

24.18. Next meeting

01. It was resolved to hold the next committee meeting 7pm, Monday 17th June 2024 at West Pinchbeck Village Hall. Cllr Garner would arrange to book the hall. Cllr Moore gave his apologies, as he would be unable to attend this meeting.


The chair closed the meeting at 20:47 hrs.