17 June 2024 Open Spaces & Assets Committee

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Minutes of meeting held 19:00hrs, Monday, 17 June 2024, at West Pinchbeck Village Hall.

Present:   Cllr James Avery, Cllr Geoff Garner, (chair), Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage, Cllr Phil Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood, Mr Robert Smith (clerk).

Absent:    Cllr Andrew Chamberlain, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Ben Sear.

Any action points to be undertaken by the clerk, unless otherwise stated.

24.19.It was resolved to elect Cllr Moore as chairman of the committee for the year.

24.20.In the absence of Cllr Moore, the chairman of the Parish Council, Cllr Avery, chaired the meeting.

24.21.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Moore and Cllr Sear.

24.22.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

24.23.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held 13 May 2024.

24.24.Following a proposal by the chair, it was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

24.25.Outside assets 

01.The clerk had made minor alterations to the Asset Register relating to the defibrillators and the disposal of outside equipment.

02.The strimmers and knapsack sprayer would be at the office by 18/06/24. The strimmer had just been serviced and was of good quality. Cllr Tweddell would arrange advertising for second-hand sale.

03.Cllr Ruysen was now kindly storing the Parish Council’s 2 x 19kg propane gas cylinders in safe cage storage at D & R Simmons Ltd until required.

24.26.There were no quotes for works to be considered.

24.27.Update on previous business.

01.Approved tree works at Leaveslake Drove Playing Field was due to commence Mondy 24th June for approximately 3 days.

02.Cllr Moore had reported that work on the cemetery was proceeding as planned. There was a problem with the roadway and having to dig deeper to reach subsoil. This would lead to a small increase in cost. Contractors to advise before the next Parish Council meeting.

03.It remained the understanding that the works for the car park on Six House Bank would start at the end of July 2024.

04.It was noted that the leaseholder was responsible for maintaining unadopted field drains on farm business tenancies.


01.Cllr Smith was thanked for the fantastic effort removing the graffiti on the wooden fort at Rotten Row.

02.The clerk reported on a meeting held earlier in the day at Leaveslake Drove Playing Field between him, District & County Councillor Sneath, and Mark Cocks from Spalding United (Juniors) FC, about the waste problems being experienced at the park.

i.Members of the football club had offered to install CCTV at the site, if Wi-Fi could be provided. The cost of a broadband connection to the site was to be obtained. Members of the club would also be able to produce CCTV and anti-litter signage.

ii.Quotes for interim camera measures with cabling were to be obtained.

iii.Quote for removing the Parish Council’s play area litter bins at the playing fields at Leaveslake Drove and Rotten Row was to be obtained.

iv.Cllr Avery would draft wording for anti-litter signage.

03.Cllr Savage would remove stakes and fencing that had been installed without authorisation by a resident adjoining the Leaveslake playing fields. The resident had previously written to the resident stating that this would be the Parish Council’s intention if they were not removed by the resident themselves.

04.Concern was expressed as to whether the District Council would be maintaining support for public parks owned by parish councils, particularly as parish councils did not possess enforcement powers and lacked the infrastructure for fly tipping removal and waste disposal.

05.Regarding the parks rules & regulations, the clerk reported that he had chased up the District Council for a response from the dog warden who was on holiday last week, asking that they get in contact.

24.29.It was resolved to support the LCC proposal for a 30mph speed limit extension at Wardentree Lane. Cllr Avery was to draw up a response.

24.30.Regarding Parish Council land at The Glebe Field, Leaveslake Drove, and farmland at Starlode Drove, Longstaff & Co. would be following up issues this week and provide an update ready for the next Parish Council meeting.


01.After receipt of the urgent safety notice concerning the Parish Council’s defibrillators, the devices had been checked for faults and found to be working OK.

02.The clerk is the registered guardian, and all details have been updated on The Circuit.

03.Arrangements were in place for a volunteer to check the devices quarterly, report back to the clerk, and details to be updated on-line.

04.The location of any live defibrillators in West Pinchbeck was to be checked [there is a live defibrillator at C.G.Godfrey, Glenside South, West Pinchbeck, PE11 3NH, (https://what3words.com/patrol.framework.procures)].

05.Permission from LCC to locate a defibrillator outside the Hub and Library was still awaited and is to be chased.

06.Cllr Avery would write a social media post to publicise the defibrillator locations in the parish.

24.32.Future agenda items.

01.Inspection by councillors of outside assets.

02.Condition of the Parish Council’s bus stop at the junction of Church Street / Knight Street.  

24.33.Next meeting to be held 7pm Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at Pinchbeck Hub & Library.

The chair closed the meeting at 19:55 hrs.