18 November 2024 Community Hub & Library Committee Meeting

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of meeting held 16:30hrs, Monday, 18 November 2024, at The Hub, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, PE11 3RU.

Present: Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr John Smith (chair), Cllr Emma Beavis, District & County Cllr Elizabeth Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), Ms Nicola Jowett (Administration Assistant)

Absent: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Dean Roizer.

24.63. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Lynne Andrew.

24.64. There were no declarations of disclosable interest, nor requests for dispensation.

24.65. There were no matters arising from the previous minutes not on the agenda.

24.66. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 16 September 2024.

24.67. It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

24.68. Cllr Smith reported on recent Hub & Library activity.

01. The MIND Good Mood Café had been well received and well attended. Its last day this year would be 16 December, restarting 6 January 2025.

02. There was availability for more evening bookings. Cllr Smith was looking into small classes that could fill the smaller Hub rooms.

03. Coordination with the Church and Village Halls was being progressed to signpost smaller bookings to the Hub and larger bookings to the Church and Village Halls.

04. Library training was being undertaken by Marion Brown on 29 November. Twelve volunteers were attending, so far. 

05. LIVES (Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Services) had booked defibrillator and CPR training in January & February 2025. There would be a £12.50 donation per attendee which would be donated back to LIVES.  It was recommended that there should be 8-10 attendees. Classes would be scheduled for late afternoon and evening to maximise attendance and trainer time. 

24.69. Receipt of grant funding for breastfeeding chair and equipment was awaited, prior to making any purchases.

24.70. GrassRoots Funding

01. The clerk circulated a report on expenditure to date, for Grassroots funding. 

02. Looking at future funding ideas, library investment was to be explored

03. Cllr Gregory would send application details for a £250.00 grant to Cllr Smith. 

04. Cllr Smith to investigate grant availability for Hub entry system and CCTV. 

24.71. Administration matters.

01. There were 26 volunteers now in place at the Hub. LCC were to provide training on volunteer recruitment and utilising its volunteer portal to hold personnel details, training records etc.

02. Cllr Smith reported on safeguarding practices for volunteers. A health & safety and safeguarding induction was given when volunteers started at the Hub and library. A safeguarding policy was in place. DBS checks were not considered necessary given the work that the volunteers undertook. 

03. A volunteer rota for the hub for meet and greet was being set up.

04. Future hub bookings were to be made electronically. Payment in advance was to be considered for new bookings and the cancellation policy implemented. 

05. The employment of a caretaker for the hub and library was being considered. 

24.72. Date of next meeting: 18:00hrs 13 January 2025, at the Hub.

The chair closed the meeting at 17:34 hrs.