15 July 2024 Community Hub & Library Committee

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of meeting held 16:00hrs, Monday, 15 July 2024, at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present:   Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr John Smith (chair), Cllr Emma Beavis, District & County Cllr Elizabeth Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs Maureen Harvey (from 16:10hrs).

Absent:    Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ben Sear.

24.32.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Roizer and Cllr Sear.

24.33.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

24.34.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 03 June 2024.

24.35.Matters arising from the previous minutes.

01.Cllr Sneath would provide an example room booking policy that included reference to permitted political activity and political impartiality.

24.36.Update on hub & library activity from Cllr Smith.

01.The Diabetes support group had started at the hub last week and had booked up to April next year.

02.The first Lincs Digital IT free training event at the hub, financed by Lincolnshire County Council, had been very successful with 24 people attending. The next session was being held at the hub 10am-12pm Thursday 18th July 2024.

03.Lincolnshire Co-op Community Champions

i.The Hub & Library had been shortlisted as a Community Champion for a project to fund a light lunch for the children attending the summer activity events.

ii.Two other Pinchbeck causes had been selected as Community Champions: Sense, which helps adults with complex disabilities, and Hand Me Down Hub, to cover insurance and storage costs for providing pre-loved clothing to children aged 5 and under. Members of Lincs Coop were urged to vote for one of the Pinchbeck projects.

04.A bid had been submitted to Tesco Stronger Starts to provide cookery classes for young people – preparing a meal for four people for less than £10.00.

05.Further funding bids had been submitted:

i.Multiply Champions – to help adults with maths in day-to-day settings.

ii.Map out a mobility scooter route for Pinchbeck.

06.The Barbara Camps memorial bench had now been installed. Fixing of the plaque was pending.

24.37.Summer Family Activities

01.Ticket sales were generally going well with many events sold out.

02.Cllr Smith would complete the events’ risk assessments prior to commencement.

24.38.Refurbishment of the hub.

01.The refurbishment of the building exterior was in progress including repairing the leak. This was to be followed by the relining of the carpark (see appendix 1 for a schedule of works).

24.39.'Love Your Heart' Event

01.Planning for the event to take place 10am-3pm, Thursday 19th September 2024 was in progress.

24.40.Youth Club.

01.The proposal for setting up the Youth Club would be presented at the next Parish Council meeting for final approval.

02.It was intended that the Youth Club would meet once a month for two sessions. Session 1 for ages 8-11, and session 2 for ages 12-14. There would be space for up to 30 attendees for each session.

03.Marion Brown, the Library Development Officer, was considering a request for a Youth Library to be open at the same time as the Youth Club. It was noted that with the Youth Club being held monthly, the 3-week book loan policy needed to be reviewed.

04.The clerk was to provide an invoice for Pinchbeck Community Land Trust’s £3,000 contribution to the YMCA’s costs for running the Youth Club.

05.It was resolved to recommend to full council that the Hub & Library Committee was made responsible for spending on the Youth Club within its agreed budget, and for oversight of the project.

24.41.All Kinds of Everything Fund (AKEF)

01.Receipt books had been purchased with all receipts and banking for the fund to be logged and subsequently recorded on the Parish Council’s accounting system.

02.Banking of all cash and cheques received by the Parish Council, including for AKEF, was to take place every Thursday.

03.The hub’s shop would keep its own sales ledger with receipts transferred to the Parish Council every week, or more frequently if required.

04.It was resolved to recommend to full Council that the committee take responsibility for AKEF’s spending.

24.42.Hub & Library Parking & Gate Control.

01.The fire risk assessment had highlighted the desirability for locking the car park gate when the hub and library were not in use.

02.Cllr Smith was investigating an electronic door, room, and barriered gate entry system, as well as identifying sources of funding.

03.Disabled only access to the car park was to be considered for testing whilst the summer events were taking place.


01.It was resolved to recommend to full council that planters made from the same material as the memorial bench, be installed outside the hub. These were to be financed from the AKEF, although sponsorship for the planters would also be investigated.

24.44.Hub and Library’s Annual Plan

01.Prior to the meeting Cllr Smith had circulated draft Aims and Objectives (see appendix 2) and a plan for the Hub and Library (see appendix 3), both for the period 01 October to 01 April 2026.

02.Committee members were asked to review the plan with the view to it being submitted to full council for approval at its 30 September 2024 meeting

24.45.Future agenda items.

01.Feedback from the summer event.

02.The installation of a pram shelter.

24.46.It was resolved to hold the next committee meeting 16.30hrs Monday 16 September 2024.


The chair closed the meeting at 17:00hrs.