22 January 2024 Finance Committee

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Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held 19:00hrs, Monday, 22 January 2024,  Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library

Present:   Cllr James Avery, Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Andrew Chamberlain (from 19:11hrs), Cllr Sam Jeffery (chair), Cllr Terry Moore, Mr Robert Smith (clerk).

Absent:    Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Peter Ruysen.

24.01.It was resolved to elect Cllr Jeffery as chair.

24.02.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew and Cllr Ruysen.

24.03.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

24.04.It was resolved to approve the committee’s Terms of Reference as circulated.

24.05.It was resolved on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

19:11hrs Cllr Chamberlain joined the meeting, apologising for his late arrival.

24.06.The Management Report for the period ended 31 December 2023 was reviewed and noted.

24.07.It was resolved to approve the draft salaries budget y/e 31 March 2025.

24.08.After reviewing the budget line by line and making some amendments on both income and expenditure, it was resolved to recommend to full Councill approval of the draft budget y/e 31 March 2025 rev.2 with a net operating income of -£130,667.73.

24.09.It was resolved to recommend to full Councill that the Parish Precept requirement for 2024/25 was set at £134,850.00.

24.10.The clerk raised the matter of the ‘All Kinds of Everything’ fund, which was made up of charitable sales from the library and donations. The amount held in this fund was £1,430.00. Cllr Avery stated there had been a previous donation of £500 from the Masons, which should be added to this account. The future administration of the fund was to be raised at the next Parish Council meeting.

24.11.It was resolved to hold the next Finance Committee meeting at 7pm, Monday 22 April 2024, to be held in the Community Hub & Library.


The chair closed the meeting at 21.04hrs.