17 June 2024 Personnel Committee

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Minutes of meeting held 20:00hrs, Monday, 17 June 2024, at West Pinchbeck Village Hall.

Present:   Cllr James Avery, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Ann Savage, Mr Robert Smith (clerk).

Absent:    Cllr Sam Jeffery

Any action points to be undertaken by the clerk, unless otherwise stated.

24.01.It was resolved to appoint Cllr Savage as chair for the year.

24.02.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Jeffery.

24.03.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

24.04.Terms of reference

01.It was resolved to recommend the circulated terms of reference for ratification by the Parish Council, subject to amending references to staff to include registered volunteers, where relevant.

02.The number of members on the committee was to be reviewed if necessary.

24.05.The committee moved into closed session in accordance with its proposed terms of reference.

24.06.Personnel matters.

01.It was resolved to seek proposals for obtaining the support of an HR consultant.

02.The committee resolved appropriately on other personnel matters.

20:45hrs the clerk left the meeting.

01.The committee discussed matters relating to the clerk’s working hours and resolved appropriately.

20:55hrs the clerk returned to the meeting

24.07.The next meeting was to be held at Pinchbeck Hub & Library, 8pm Tuesday 23rd July 2024, immediately after the Open Spaces & Assets Committee meeting.

The chair closed the meeting at 21:00 hrs.