29 April 2024 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs, Monday, 29 April 2024, at Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library

Present: Cllr James Avery (chair), Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Sam Jeffery, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr John Smith, Cllr Phil Tweddell, District & County Cllr Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), two members of the public.

Absent: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Oliver Wood.

Unless otherwise stated actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

24.062. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew, Cllr Garner, Cllr Wood.

24.063. There were no declarations of disclosable interests, nor requests for dispensation.

24.064. Members of the public made the following representations.

01. On behalf of the Pinchbeck Community Land Trust (CLT), Mr Stuart Wright proposed setting up a youth club to be held monthly at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library, ready for the summer holidays. CLT had £5k available to kick start a programme through the YMCA. The community would then take over the club after training. It was envisaged that there would be two age groups: 8 -11 years 5pm to 6.30pm; 12-14 years 6.30pm to 8pm. It was hoped that use of the hub could be provided by the Parish Council free of charge for an initial period. Also, space made available for a storage container.

02. The idea received general approval from councillors. It was resolved that Cllr Smith would involve himself with the Community Land Trust’s working group in putting together a formal proposal and implementation plan for further consideration by the Parish Council.  

24.065. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 25 March 2024.

24.066. Chairman’s report.

01. Thanks were given to Cllr Tweddell for putting up new 30mph and 40mph signs.

02. Thanks were given to Cllr Smith for sourcing a UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) GRASSroots grant of £21,515.10 for the improvement of the Community Hub & Library. 

24.067. Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01. Planning comments had been submitted to SHDC, as resolved.

02. Information on the Parish Council’s website had been updated. 

03. The precept for 2024-25 had been received.

04. The final quarter VAT claim for year to 31 March 2023 had been submitted.

05. The clerk was attending remote cemetery training on 30/04/2024 and 01/05/2024.

06. Invitations to access the Council’s new email addresses had been sent out to all members. It was important that all councillors set up and use these addresses for Council business. Any councillors having problems with the new addresses to contact the clerk.

07. Works for the installation of new fire alarm sounder for the back room were pending.

08. The fitting of the defibrillator outside the hub and library was awaiting landlord’s approval from LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) Corporate Property Team.

09. Permission from LCC for the installation of the Barbara Camps memorial bench had been received.

10. LCC had confirmed that they would be remarking the car park.

11. LCC had agreed a specification for repainting and renovation of the outside of the hub. This was now going out for tender and likely to be actioned around June 2024.

12. Cllr Beavis reported:

i. South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Service was seeking much needed volunteer drivers.

ii. The Village Hall Committee was seeking clarification about Parish Council representatives. It was resolved to appoint Cllr Avery and Cllr Beavis as the Council’s representatives on the Committee. One vacancy for Parish Council representative remained. 

24.068. Financial matters.

01. It was resolved to approve the March 2024 bank reconciliation and bank transactions (see appendix 1)

02. It was resolved to approve payments to 29 April 2024 (see appendix 2).

03. It was resolved approve the accounts for the y/e 31 March 2024.

04. It was resolved that the dates for the exercise of public rights were to be from 3 June to 12 July 2024.

05. It was resolved to approve the Council’s Annual Investment Strategy 2024-25, as recommended by the Finance Committee, and to resolve to open new bank accounts with The Unity Trust Bank and the Co-operative Bank. 

06. It was resolved to add an earmarked reserve of £77,434.45 to the budget for unspent S106 receipts. This was for the provision of new or additional facilities for community, sports, leisure, recreation uses and/or open space in the parish of Pinchbeck, to be spent by 2031-32.

24.069. Correspondence.

01. It was noted that the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Project’s application for a Development Consent Order had been accepted. 

02. Regarding a resident’s request in connection with land once owned by the Parish Council, it was resolved that the Council would make no comment.

03. A poster on Police Cadet recruitment would be published on the Council’s website.

04. Information on the neighbourhood policing teams (NPTs) accessible plans was noted. A link to Lincolnshire Police’s Neighbourhood Newsletters was available on the Council’s website under Parish Information.

05. It was resolved for the chairman to reply to a letter of complaint about the Parish Precept level, in which the chairman would address inaccurate statements.

06. It was resolved for Cllr Smith to attend the Police Engagement Session on Tuesday 2nd July 2024 on behalf of the Parish Council.

07. A poster about Public Consultation on National Grid’s Eastern Green Link would be published on the Council’s website.

08. A poster promoting LCC Roads Survey ending 3 May 2024 was noted. Several councillors had submitted individual responses.

09. A D-Day commemoration service would be held at the War Memorial, 7pm Thursday 6 June 2024. The chairman would be attending and laying a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council.

24.070. Planning applications.

01. H14-0366-24: Rear of Egmond, Glenside South, PE11 3NP. Details of boundary treatments. It was resolved to support the proposals as appropriate for the application.

02. H14-0350-24: 7 Spalding Road, PE11 3UD. Works to Trees in Pinchbeck Conservation Area. It was resolved to support the application as required works.

03. H14-0325-24: Land East of Surfleet Road. Details of written scheme of archaeological investigation. It was resolved to support the proposals as appropriate.

04. H14-0328-24: West End Lodge, 88 Knight Street, PE11 3RB. Details of window frames. It was resolved to support the proposals as in keeping with the application.

05. H14-0314-24: Edina, Fengate Road, PE11 3NE. Proposed single storey side extension. It was resolved to support the proposals as in keeping with the street scene.

06. H14-0303-24: The Anglia Business Centre, Mill Green Road, PE11 3PU. Details of external lighting & external CCTV cameras. It was resolved to make no comment.

07. H14-0291-24: Cecil Francis Business Park, Bear Lane, PE11 3XA. Amendments to bedroom 1 roof. It was resolved to support the proposals as in keeping with the application.

08. H14-0292-24: 14 Viceroy Drive, PE11 3TS. Single storey rear extension, garage conversion, front porch alterations & internal alterations. It was resolved to support the application as in keeping with the street scene.

24.071. The Council noted the following South Holland Planning decisions.

01. H14-0341-24: Pinchbeck Hall, Knight Street, PE11 3RB. Works to Trees in Pinchbeck Conservation Area. Approved.

24.072. Highways matters

01. Cllr Sear raised a feasibility study on the ‘Spalding to Pinchbech (sic) Active Travel Scheme’ which had been received under a freedom of information request from LCC. The County Council had previously been awarded £1.8m to improve the cycle corridor between Pinchbeck and Spalding as part of the Active Travel Fund. Councillors expressed their disappointment at what was thought to be a very poor report. It was resolved for the chairman to contact LCC on behalf of the Parish Council about the matter. Cllr Sneath would be submitting her own comments, as would the Spalding Action Cycle Group. 

02. Cllr Sear proposed the installation of bicycle racks on Knight Street beside Bee Fresh Flowers. Some issues were brought up relating to businesses being able to load/unload near the premises. The matter was to be raised by the chairman at the next meeting with LCC Highways.

03. Individual Reports downloaded from the Parish’s Speed Indication Devices (SIDs) were circulated. Indications were that 30% of traffic passing the devices were not adhering to the speed limit. This confidential data was to be collated and feedback given at the next meeting with LCC Highways. A modification had been made to the SID at Six House Bank which was expected to fix previous problems with this device.

04. The required road closure to connect the entrance to the new Blue Gowt Lane Cemetery to the Highway could not occur until 09 September 2024, due to other works on the highway. This would put back the completion of the cemetery by about two and a half months. The contractor would be producing a new plan of works.

24.073. Committees

01. Open Spaces & Assets Committee 

i. The minutes of the last committee meeting were noted. 

ii. It was resolved to authorise the clerk to increase the working hours of the outside operative to allow for weekly routine play equipment inspections.

iii. It was resolved to ratify tree works on the Glebe Field @ £2,607.25. 

02. Community Hub & Library Committee 

i. The minutes of the last committee meeting were noted. 

ii. It was resolved to amend item 2.2 of the Committee’s Terms of Reference to read: “The Parish Council may appoint up to one named non-council member onto the committee with voting rights. Any other non-council member co-opted by the Parish Council onto the Committee will not have voting rights.”

iii. It was resolved to appoint Cllr Sneath as a co-opted member of the committee with voting rights.

iv. For reasons of hygiene and public safety, it was resolved to ratify a policy of only allowing support dogs inside the hub and library, with no dogs being allowed in the kitchen.

v. It was resolved to delegate to Cllr Smith in conjunction with the clerk, expenditure for works of up to £21,515.10 for the improvement of the hub and library, as provided for by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) GRASSroots grant.

24.074. It was resolved to adopt a Parish Council Safeguarding Policy as circulated. This was to be sent out to councillors for acceptance and signature.

24.075. It was resolved to subscribe to Parish Online Mapping @ £252.00 + VAT p.a.

24.076. It was resolved that the Annual Parish Council meeting was to be held in the Community Hub & Library, 19.30hrs Monday, 20 May 2024. Cllr Beavis and Cllr Tweddell gave their apologies as they would be unable to attend.

24.077. It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2). 

21:20 hrs Two members of the public and Cllr Sneath left the meeting.

24.078. Quotes received.

01. Cllr Ruysen would source an alternative quote to that provided by LCC for 30 mph signs.

02. It was resolved to approve works for the renovation of the Cherry Holt Lane Cemetery gate and railings @ £6,350.83 plus VAT.

03. It was resolved to approve works for the renovation and replacement of the Council’s outside benches @ £4,012.50 plus VAT.

04. It was resolved to issue works to seed the grass at the Cherry Holt Lane Cemetery within budgeted amounts. 

24.079. The clerk informed councillors about a recent verbal complaint received about outside work undertaken by Parish Council staff. An account of the incident was being written up.

24.080. Parish Council land 

01. A presentation by Pinchbeck United Football Club had been arranged for the 24 June 2024 Parish Council meeting.

02. It was resolved to approve a Maples Solicitors LLP search with Anglian Water for adopted sewers in the vicinity of the War Memorial @ ~£33.00 to assist with Land Registration.

24.081. It was resolved to implement new staff pay rates as previously budgeted.

The chairman closed the meeting at 21:40 hrs.