03 June 2024 Community Hub & Library Committee

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Minutes of meeting held 19:00hrs, Monday, 03 June 2024, at the Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library.

Present:   Cllr John Smith (chair), Cllr Emma Beavis, District & County Cllr Elizabeth Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk).

Absent: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr Dean Roizer.

Unless otherwise stated, action points to be undertaken by the clerk.

24.16.It was resolved to elect Cllr Smith as chair for the year.

24.17.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew and Cllr Roizer

24.18.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.

24.19.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

24.20.Update on hub & library activity from Cllr Smith.

01.A member of the art group who had kindly donated a fine art painting had agreed that to obtain best value, it should be sold through an appropriate auctioneer.

02.A review of the hub’s existing room bookings had demonstrated the availability of rooms to hire. Issues which had impacted the recent level of bookings included aftereffects of the COVID pandemic and continuing parking problems.

03.The new policy for room bookings had been implemented and was being bedded in.

04.A diabetes clinic had block booked the front room from July to Christmas 2024.

05.The Herring Lane Bakers had very much appreciated receipt of a letter from the Parish Council’s chairman thanking them for providing for the Barbara Camps memorial bench. The bench was due for delivery soon.

06.Involvement meetings for all volunteers were being arranged.

07.It would be advisable to agree and publish in advance the destination for funds raised at hub events, along with accounting record requirements.

08.It would be prudent, especially during an election period, to have a room booking policy that considered public safety, legal compliance, and impartiality.

24.21.The Committee voted not to move into closed session, as the agenda items were not considered confidential.

24.22.It was resolved to recommend to full Council subscription for Scribe Booking System @ £348.00 p.a. plus £249.00 onboarding charge.

24.23.Volunteer Steering Group

01.The minutes of the last meeting of the volunteer steering group held 29 May 2024 were received.

02.The group met on the last Wednesday of every month. Committee members were welcome to attend.

03.The group’s Terms of Reference previously approved by the Committee were to be put to the next Parish Council meeting for ratification.

24.24.Summer Family Activities

01.Cllr Smith reported that plans were coming together, and that the main contractors had been booked. The events were to be held Tuesday to Thursday over a five-week period during July and August.

02.An event management plan was in process. The events would be ticketed.

03.Cllr Smith would send a press release to Cllr Sneath for forwarding.

04.Thanks were expressed to Pinchbeck’s District Councillors for their financial support.

24.25.Refurbishment of the hub financed by GRASSroots grant.

01.Cllr Smith expected to have completed spending proposals ready for review w/c 10 June 2024.

24.26.Community Café

01.Cllr Smith was to draw up a business plan.

02.The clerk would check that the Parish Council had the power to both run and provide the facilities for a community café {now confirmed Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19}.

24.27.'Love Your Heart' Event

01.Cllr Smith had met with Clive Green, chair of Beechfield Medical Group, and Louise Johnson, from the South Lincs Community Health Team. It was proposed that subject to Parish Council approval, a Love your Heart event in partnership with the Village Hall would be arranged, at no cost to the Parish Council.

02.A traffic management plan for the event would be undertaken, particularly to consider parking arrangements.

24.28.Pinchbeck Youth Club.

01.With ideas stemming from parents, Scout leaders, and the Pinchbeck Community Land Trust (CLT), a Facebook page had already been launched.

02.It was envisaged that the venue for the Youth Club would be the Community Hub & Library. A Youth Library to be run by young people alongside the Youth Club was also being considered.

03.The YMCA would be commissioned to guide the project, putting in place the required training, checks, and procedures.

04.The CLT had set aside £8,000 for the project (£3,000 p.a. for two years plus £2,000 set up). Based on costings provided by YMCA the project was about £3,000 short of the funds required to ensure that it was fully funded for two years.

05.Cllr Smith would put forward a proposal to the Parish Council at its next meeting.

24.29.Lincs Digital.

01.Lincs Digital would be providing hands-on IT training at the hub, once a month on a Thursday, at no charge.

24.30.Future agenda items.

01.Administration of the All Kinds of Everything Fund.

02.Cash handling procedures.

03.Parking and gate control.

24.31.It was resolved to hold the next committee meeting 4pm Monday 15th July 2024.

The chair closed the meeting at 20.45hrs.