20 May 2024 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs, held Monday, 20 May 2024, at Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library

Present: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr James Avery (chairman), Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage, Cllr John Smith, Cllr Oliver Wood, District & County Cllr Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), 33 members of the public.

Absent:   Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Sam Jeffery, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr Phil Tweddell.

Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.                                             

24.082.It was resolved to elect Cllr Avery as chairman for the year. Cllr Avery signed his acceptance of office.

24.083.It was resolved to elect Cllr Savage as vice-chair for the year. Cllr Savage signed her acceptance of office.

24.084.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Chamberlain, Cllr Jeffery, Cllr Sear, Cllr Tweddell, District Cllr Slade.

24.085.There were no declarations of disclosable interests, nor requests for dispensation.

24.086.Members of the public made the following representations.

01.Objection to planning Application H14-0088-24: Marriott Farm, Black Hole Drove, West Pinchbeck, PE11 3QL. Change of use from domestic dwelling to children's residential home.

There were around 20 members of the public present who wished the Parish Council to object to the planning application on grounds that included:

  • The unsuitability of the development in what was an isolated location.

  • Highways safety.

  • Sustainability.

  • Impact on the community and locality.

  • Lack of community benefit.

  • Public safety.

The chairman stated that the Council would consider the matter later in the meeting.

02.Around ten members of the public present wished the Parish Council to support the campaign to extend the 30mph zone to the whole of Six House Bank.

Cllr Moore reported that he had just received notification that this request, also supported by the Parish Council, had been accepted by the County Council and the extension of the 30mph would be implemented.

03.A request was made to replace the Parish Council’s Speed Indicator Device (SID) on Six House Bank. This had been out of commission for a significant period since its installation.

Cllr Moore reported that the device had recently been given a software modification, which had temporarily resolved the problem. The manufacturers had been recontacted and a further modification was required which would be implemented along with the replacement of the SID’s batteries. If this did not resolve the problem, then the Parish Council would consider replacement.

24.087.The chairman moved agenda item on planning application H14-0088-24 for early discussion.

It was resolved for the Parish Council to submit an objection to the application on the grounds discussed. It was delegated for Cllr Savage to collate and draft a response (see appendix 1).

20:15hrs 29 members of the public left the meeting.

24.088.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 29 April 2024.

24.089.Chairman’s report.

01.The chairman gave thanks for the support that he had received over the last year from Council members and the clerk and for the confidence expressed in his re-election. He said that he felt privileged to represent the Parish Council as both a member and as chairman and would continue to do so to the best of his ability for the next 12 months.

02.The chairman reported that given the requirement for the District Council to introduce separate food waste recycling collections, it would be undertaking a survey on the current system and how changes might be implemented.

03.A letter had been sent to the Herring Lane Bakers thanking them for providing for the Barbara Camps memorial bench.

04.The chairman had sent a response addressing misapprehensions contained in a letter of complaint about the Parish Precept, as received at the last meeting.

24.090.Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01.Planning comments had been submitted to the District Council (SHDC), as resolved.

02.Invitations to access the Council’s new email addresses had been sent out to all members. Any councillors having problems with the new addresses to contact the clerk.

03.Works for the installation of a new fire alarm sounder for the back room were pending.

04.The fitting of the defibrillator outside the hub and library was awaiting landlord’s approval from LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) Corporate Property Team.

05.As resolved at the last Parish Council meeting, a subscription to Parish Online geospatial mapping had been taken out.

06.The clerk reported that an urgent safety notice had been received affecting the Parish Council’s defibrillators. These were to be checked for faults.

07.The clerk reported that proposed car park works on Six House Bank had been delayed, due to weather. The contractor stated that works would certainly begin by the end of July 2024.

08.A meeting with SHDC’s dog warden had been requested by the clerk. A review of the parks’ rules and renewed signage would await feedback from this meeting. 

09.The new accounting package Scribe was being utilised as from 01 April 2024. Cancellation of the QuickBooks subscription was pending.

10.Entries onto the new Scribe Cemetery System was due to start later this week.

11.A PPL/PRS Music Licence had been taken out to cover for public performances in the hub.

12.After receiving an alternative quote obtained by Cllr Ruysen, LCC had been re-contacted about the supply of 30mph signs and had offered to supply 10 signs free of charge alongside an order of 20 signs @ £20 each. The order was proceeding.

24.091.The Council resolved to make the following appointments to committees and working parties.

01.Finance Committee: Cllrs Andrew, Avery, Beavis, Chamberlain, Jeffery, Moore, Ruysen, Tweddell.

02.Personnel Committee: Cllrs Garner, Gregory, Jeffery, Savage, Smith.

03.Hub & Library Committee: Cllrs Andrew, Beavis, Gregory, Roizer, Sear, Smith. Distr. & Cty Cllr Sneath was co-opted as a voting committee member.

04.Cemetery Committee: Cllrs Avery, Beavis, Moore, Ruysen, Savage, Wood.

05.Open Spaces & Assets Committee: Cllrs Avery, Chamberlain, Garner, Moore, Roizer, Ruysen, Savage, Sear, Tweddell, Wood.

06.Community Speed Watch Working Party: Cllrs Moore, Smith, Tweddell.

24.092.The Council resolved for the following councillors to be its representatives on outside bodies.

01.Pinchbeck Village Hall Committee: Cllrs Avery, Beavis. One vacancy remaining.

02.Police Parish Council Engagement: Cllr Smith.

03.South Holland Voluntary Car Service: Cllr Garner.

24.093.Financial matters.

01.It was resolved to approve the April 2024 bank reconciliation & cash book (see appendix 2).

02.It was resolved to approve payments to 20 May 2024 (see appendix 3).

03.It was resolved to adopt revised Financial Regulations as circulated with the agenda.

04.It was resolved to adopt revised Risk Register as circulated with the agenda.

05.It was noted that s137 expenditure for y/e 31/03/2024 was within the Parish limit.

06.It was resolved to confirm bank mandates and account signatories.

07.The final internal auditor’s report for y/e 31/03/2024 was received. It was noted that there were no outstanding actions brought to the Council’s attention that required further action.

08.The annual internal audit certificate y/e 31/03/2024 was received.

09.Considering each statement in turn, it was resolved to agree and approve responses to the annual governance statement y/e 31/03/2024. There were no negative responses.

10.It was resolved to approve the annual accounting statements y/e 31/03/2024.

11.It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation y/e 31/03/2024.

12.It was resolved to approve the explanation of variances y/e 31/03/2024.

13.It was resolved to reappoint LALC as the internal auditor for the financial y/e 31/03/2025.


01.The chairman would circulate an announcement on dates for upcoming Spalding A16 closures on social media.

02.A ‘Meet the Housing Ombudsman’ event hosted by the South Holland Landlord service for tenants and leaseholders was noted {this event has since been postponed}.

24.095.Planning applications.

01.H14-0442-24: Northgate Farmhouse, Northgate, PE11 3TB. Demolition & replacement of single storey outbuilding to residential ancillary accommodation. It was resolved support the application as appropriate for the location and circumstances.

02.H14-0439-24: 8 Spalding Road, PE11 3UD. Alteration & refurbishment of stables and new boundary fence. It was resolved to support the application as appropriate for the location.

03.H14-0440-24: 8 Spalding Road, PE11 3UD. Alteration & refurbishment of stables & new boundary fence. Listed building consent. It was resolved to support the application as in keeping with the building.

04.H14-0422-24: 1 Forge Crescent, PE11 3TN. 2- storey extension. It was resolved to support the application as in keeping with the street scene.

05.H14-0411-24: Mayflower Farm, Tydd Road, PE11 3QA. Extension. It was resolved to support the application as in keeping with the location.

06.H14-0392-24: Scania Gb, Wardentree Park. PE11 3ZN. Extension to industrial building. Lawful use certificate. It was resolved to support the application as supporting employment.

07.H14-0385-24: 103 Six House Bank, PE11 3QG. Single storey rear extension. It was resolved to support the application as in keeping with the street scene.

24.096.The Council noted the following South Holland Planning decisions.

01.H14-0350-24: 7 Spalding Road, PE11 3UD. Tree Works in conservation area. Approved.

02.H14-0399-24: 58 Church Street, PE11 3YA. Tree works in conservation area. Approved

03.H14-0256-24: J. O. Sims Ltd, Pudding Lane, PE11 3TJ. Replacement of buildings. Approved.

04.H14-0252-24: Land East of Surfleet Road. Landscaping condition. Approved.

05.H14-0224-24: Cecil Francis Ltd. Bear Lane, PE11 3XA. Water disposal condition. Approved.

06.H14-0221-24: 75 Church Street, PE11 3YA. Lawful Use Certificate. Approved

07.H14-0223-24: 75 Church Street. PE11 3YA. Modification of opening hours condition. Refused.

08.H14-0189-24: Land off Crossgate Lane, PE11 3XW. Condition compliance. Approved.

09.H14-0176-24: 82 Surfleet Road, PE11 3XY. New vehicular access. Approved.

10.H14-0162-24: Nunnerley House, Leaveslake Drove. Listed building alterations. Approved.

11.H14-0141-24: Keston Nurseries, Mill Green Road. Condition Compliance. Approved.

12.H14-0065-24: Anglia Business Centre, Mill Green Road. Continuation. Approved.

13.H14-0045-24: Rear of Egmond, Glenside South, PE11 3NP. Change of use. Approved.

14.H14-0016-24: Orchard House, Blue Gowt Drove, PE11 3PX. Continuation. Approved.

15.H14-1135-23: Land off Bervor Close, Wardentree Lane, PE11 3FZ. Industrial units. Approved.

24.097.Highways matters

01.The Community Speed Watch had been active in West Pinchbeck & on Pinchbeck Road.

02.Data from the Speed Indicator Devices at Northgate and on Surfleet Road was reviewed.

03.The chairman was chasing for a meeting with LCC Highways.

24.098.Open Spaces & Assets Committee matters

01.The minutes of the committee meeting held 13 May 2024 were received.

02.It was resolved to ratify the decision to dispose of the trimmer and knapsack sprayer.

03.It was resolved to approve tree works at Leaveslake Drove Playing Field @ £2,750.00.

04.It was resolved to approve grass cutting of the Six House Bank car park @ £40 per cut.

24.099.To review the Council’s fees and charges.

01.It was resolved to ratify room charges as resolved March 2024, minute 24.056.01 iii.

02.It was resolved to ratify cemetery fees as resolved January 2024, minute 24.012.11.

03.It was resolved to ratify annual rent for use the Glebe Field as resolved 24.060.02.iii.

04.The lease for Leaveslake Drove playing field was pending completion.

05.A review of Farm Business Tenancy agreements was pending.

06.A review of Garden Allotment pricing was pending.

24.100.A review of agreements & arrangements with outside bodies was deferred to a future meeting.

24.101.It was resolved to approve continuing existing subscriptions, as circulated (see appendix 4).

24.102.It was resolved to readopt the following policies and procedures.

01.Standing Orders.

02.Councillor Code of Conduct.

03.Complaints Policy.

04.Data Protection Policy.

05.Customer Contact Privacy Policy.

06.Annual Investment Strategy 2024-25.

07.Publication Scheme

08.Safeguarding Policy.

24.103.It was resolved to approve the dates of Parish Council ordinary meetings for the forthcoming year, as circulated (see appendix 5).

24.104.It was resolved to approve the date of the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting, 18:30hrs Monday 17 March 2025.

24.105.It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

21:20hrs four members of the public and Cllr Sneath left the meeting.

24.106.It was resolved to approve the purchase of two batteries for the SID on Six House Bank @ £100 by Cllr Savage. The invoice was to be forwarded to the clerk.

24.107.It was resolved to approve Cllr Smith undertaking a feasibility for a community café at the Hub.

24.108.Matters relating to Parish Council land were deferred to the next meeting.

24.109.There were no staffing & administration matters to discuss.

The chairman closed the meeting at 21:32hrs.