24 June 2024 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs, Monday, 24 June 2024, at Pinchbeck Community Hub & Library

Present: Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage (vice-chair), Cllr John Smith, Cllr Phil Tweddell, District & County Cllr Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), Mr Lewis Thorogood (Pinchbeck United FC), one member of the public.

Absent:   Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr James Avery (chairman), Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Sam Jeffery, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr Oliver Wood.

Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.                                               

24.110.In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chair, Cllr Savage chaired the meeting.

24.111.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew, Cllr Avery, Cllr Beavis, Cllr Chamberlain, Cllr Garner, Cllr Jeffery, Cllr Moore, Cllr Roizer, Cllr Sear, Cllr Wood, District Cllr Slade.

24.112.There were no declarations of disclosable interests, nor requests for dispensation.

24.113.There were no representations from members of the public.

24.114.Mr Thorogood, manager of Pinchbeck United Football Club made representations to the Parish Council about the use of the Glebe Field (see appendix 1).

24.115.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 20 May 2024.

24.116.In the absence of the chairman, there was no report.

24.117.Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01.Planning comments had been submitted to the District Council (SHDC), as resolved.

02.Works for the installation of a new fire alarm sounder for the back room were pending.

03.After receipt of an urgent safety notice concerning the Parish Council’s defibrillators, the devices had been checked for faults and found to be working OK. Information about the devices had been updated on The Circuit, a central registry for defibrillators.

04.The fitting of the defibrillator outside the hub and library had received landlord’s approval from Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) Corporate Property Team and installation would take place soon.

05.The Barbara Camps memorial bench had arrived and was soon to be fitted.

06.Regarding the Council’s parks’ rules & regulations, the District Council had been chased for a response from the dog warden who was on holiday last week, asking that they get in contact.

07.Entries onto the new Scribe Cemetery System had commenced and the new accounting system had been set up for use.

08.SHDC had requested that Parish Council’s update their emergency plans in line with recommendations. An update on the Parish Council’s previous plan from 2018 was pending.

09.A new electricity supply agreement was in place for the Hub & Library.

10.A review of the water supply agreement for the Hub & Library was pending.

24.118.Financial matters.

01.It was resolved to approve the May 2024 bank reconciliation (see appendix 2) & cash book (see appendix 3).

02.It was resolved to approve payments to 24 June 2024 (see appendix 4).

03.It was resolved to approve application for a payment card for the clerk and administrator, payment limits to be set at £500 and £250 respectively.


01.Written representations from the owners of Marriott Farm concerning its conversion to a children’s home were received.

02.It was resolved to submit a response to LCC in support of the proposed 30mph speed limit extension at Wardentree Lane.

03.Cllr Savage would submit a response to LCC on its rights of way survey.

04.After considering the email received from Spalding Rural North Policing Neighbourhood Team giving a general update and priority setting, the Parish Council noted the importance of reporting incidents of anti-social behaviour whenever they were witnessed.

05.It was resolved to approve the planning inspectorate’s use of the Hub & Library for the online viewing of Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Farm project documents.

06.An update on Pinchbeck roundabout improvements was received, including the upcoming closure of the B1180 leg of Pinchbeck Roundabout. Full 24/7 road closure would take place Monday 15 July for up to eight weeks. Diversion route Wardentree Lane / B1180 / B1356 / A152 / A16, and vice versa. For more information visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/majorprojects.

24.120. Planning applications

01.H14-0535-24: 11 Cresswell Close, PE11 3TY. Change of use from B8 to HGV maintenance & parking for a period of 10 years. It was resolved to support the application as it benefited employment and economic growth in an employment area.

02.H14-0487-24: J O Sims Ltd, Pudding Lane, PE11 3TJ. Condition compliance. It was resolved to support the application as it benefited employment and economic growth in an employment area.

03.H14-0454-24: Northgate Farmhouse, North Gate, PE11 3TB. Installation of liquid fertiliser tanks. It was resolved to support the application as it benefited employment and economic growth in an employment area.

04.H14-0455-24: Cecil Francis Business Park, Bear Lane, PE11 3XA. Modification to approved plans. It was resolved to support the S73A continuation as in keeping with the original proposals.

24.121.The Council noted the following South Holland Planning decisions.

01.H14-0399-24: 58 Church Street, PE11 3YA. Conservation area trees works. Approved.

02.H14-0385-24: 103 Six House Bank, PE11 3QG. Single storey rear extension. Approved.

03.H14-0366-24: Rear of Egmond, Glenside South, PE11 3NP. Condition compliance. Approved.

04.H14-0325-24: Land East of Surfleet Road. Condition compliance. Approved.

05.H14-0314-24: Edina, Fengate Road, PE11 3NE. Single storey side extension. Approved.

06.H14-0303-24: The Anglia Business Centre, Mill Green Road. PE11 3PU. Details of external lighting & CCTV cameras. Condition compliance. Approved.

07.H14-0292-24: 14 Viceroy Drive, PE11 3TS. Single storey rear extension, garage conversion, front porch alterations & internal alterations. Lawful Use Certificate. Approved.

24.122.Highways matters.

01.It was noted that following another serious accident at the junction of Northgate and Money Bridge Lane, Cllr Sneath had arranged a meeting with LCC Highways to consider safety at the location.

24.123.Committee reports

01.Community Hub & Library Committee.

i.The draft minutes of the last committee meeting were received.

ii.The minutes of the last steering group meeting were received.

iii.It was resolved to approve the steering group’s terms of reference, subject to amending clause 1a) to read “To support the Parish Council with the development and running of the Hub and community-led Library.”

iv.It was resolved to approve the following hub and library focused policies: Volunteering Policy, Volunteer Agreement, Volunteer Confidentiality Policy, and Volunteer Expenses Policy.

v.It was resolved to approve a ‘Look After Your Heart’ event on 19th September 2024.

vi.Consideration of a grant proposal from the Parish Council for setting up a youth club at the hub was deferred until later in the meeting, under closed session.

02.Opens Spaces & Assets Committee.

i.The draft minutes of the last committee meeting were received.

03.Personnel Committee

i.The draft minutes of the last committee meeting were received.

ii.It was resolved to approve the personnel committee’s terms of reference.

24.124.It was resolved for the Parish Council to award a grant of up to £3,500 in accordance with LGA 1972, s.137 for the provision of Summer Family Events at the Hub. Thanks were expressed to the Parish’s district councillors who between them had allocated £1,500 to the project from their designated funds for individual and community group initiatives.

24.125.Consideration of a PlayZone was deferred until later in the meeting, under closed session.

24.126.It was resolved to authorise Cllr Smith to submit the following grant applications.

01.Tesco Stronger Starts – up to £1,500 for cookery classes for young people.

02. LCC – up to £1,000 for Multiply Champions.

24.127.It was resolved to approve corporate membership of the Institute of Cemetery & Crematorium Management (ICCM) @ £100.00 p.a.

24.128.It was resolved to approve the Council’s Health & Safety Policy.

24.129.In the absence of the chairman, it was resolved to defer consideration of the Parish Council authorisation procedures and due process until the next meeting.

24.130.It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

24.131.Quotes for works.

01.It was resolved to subscribe to Scribe Room Booking Software @ £348 p.a. excl. VAT (or pro-rata amount) plus one-off onboarding fee of £249 excl. VAT.

02.It was resolved to approve the purchase of new library signage @ £75 excl. VAT.

03.It was resolved to approve the purchase of an outside PA System up to a cost of £800.

04.Regarding a new website for the hub, it was resolved to seek two further comparable quotations from local companies.

05.Cllr Tweddell would advertise the Parish Council’s strimmer for sale on Facebook @ £100 o.n.o.

24.132.To consider matters relating to Parish Council land.

01.It was resolved to employ a contractor to remove unauthorised fencing at Leaveslake Drove.

02.It was resolved to call an extraordinary parish council meeting to discuss the future of the Glebe Field and options for installing a PlayZone.

24.133.Previous grant received from Pinchbeck Community Land Trust (PCLT).

01.The clerk reported that a cheque received for £600, which had been intended to be used on providing Warm Spaces at the hub had not been spent. It was resolved to propose to PCLT that this money was instead allocated to support the development of the youth club at the hub to be spent within this financial year, alongside additional grant funding from the Parish Council (see below).

24.134.Grant to support the Youth Club

01.In accordance with LGA 1972, s.137, it was resolved that the Parish Council provide a grant of £3,040 for the next two years (excluding the previously received £600 from PCLT), plus free room hire worth £2,160 p.a. for the next two years, to support the development of the youth club. PCLT had agreed to provide £3,000 p.a. for the running the youth club and had also agreed to provide £2,000 towards set up and equipment costs. YMCA Lincolnshire would be contracted to be the lead agency, responsible for all aspects of set up and delivery of the project.

24.135.Staffing & administration.

01.The Parish Council resolved appropriately on personnel matters.

The chairman closed the meeting at 21:41hrs.


Appendix 1

Proposal between Pinchbeck United FC & Pinchbeck Parish Council in relation to Glebe Field, Knight Street, PE11 3RB

The recommendations of PUFC is to work closely with PPC to not only improve Glebe Field for the residents of Pinchbeck Parish but also have this as both a green space and recreational
community facility.

Pinchbeck United FC who currently use Glebe Field and have since the 1930’s host the current under-23 development side who play at step 8 of local football and act as a pathway for local
talented players to progress into first team non-league football. The current under-9s boys and under-15s girls sides.

Going into the 24/25 season which begins imminently, the above sides are also going to be joined by two new girls teams at under-9s and 11s.

We have also launched our Wildcats Community Programme for girls to play football for fun and try the sport for 5-11 year olds which is a funded project.

The first team who play at step 6 of the football pyramid (Eastern Counties League) and play in national competitions like the FA Vase, currently play at the Sir Halley Stewart Field.

The clubs aspiration is to come ‘home’ and play its matches back in Pinchbeck. To facilitate this we do need to meet certain criteria and requirements which include
changing/shower/hospitality facilities (already in place) a pitch enclosed by low level picket style perimeter fencing, floodlights (cabling and lighting already there as a precedent) and some
hard standing pathway and a covered/seated area for spectators. 

The facility also needs to be secure and enclosed.

We are respectful that Glebe Field is an open green space with recreational use. This proposal is not to take green space away from the residents of Pinchbeck. It is actually to assist improving
the facility, reducing anti social behaviour, having a community facility for people to use whilst retaining its green space for people to freely access but also enabling the club to have a facility
which is secure, well looked after and further improved on the work already done, and somewhere the whole club can call home.

I am aware of a planning application from 2017 which was passed by SHDC but refused by PPC. Since then the way facilities can be done to host such a level on non league football is not as
intrusive or harsh as it may once have been or perceived.

As a club we can access a lot of funding through the Football Foundation and other grants to both achieve this goal and in turn support PPC with making this an excellent space/facility. A
joint consultation and working party headed up by the football club with transparent and indeed open dialogue and working the PPC would achieve this goal.

It is noted that a PlayZone is being looked at through Active Lincolnshire and we are aware of this possibility. Again we have the resource and ability to gain significant funding and sway on
this project in collaboration with PPC.

Lewis Thorogood
Head of Football / First Team Manager Pinchbeck United FC
24th June 2024

Appendix 2


Month Ending 31 May 2024 Balance £ Total £
Bank Accounts    
Community 4238 22,156.95  
Library 1517 5,568.64  
Capital Receipts 1857 474,692.68  
Savings 4246 10,659.54  
Community 7251 1,770.00  
Unbanked payments 0.00 0.00
Unbanked cash 0.00 0.00
TOTAL   514,847.81
Receipts and payments    
Opening Balance   515,346.63
Add: Receipts   17,771.19
Less: Payments   18,270.01
CLOSING BALANCE   514,847.81


Appendix 3


Date Acct Type Description Amount £
01/05/2024 4238 DD BETTER WASTE -54.24
02/05/2024 1517 Debit POST OFFICE -495.00
07/05/2024 4238 DD BCARD  -45.22
08/05/2024 4238 BP R SMITH EXP -85.50
13/05/2024 4238 BP ESPO -679.86
13/05/2024 4238 BP SSE ENERGY  -1,016.14
17/05/2024 4238 DD INTUIT LIMITED -45.60
22/05/2024 4238 BP SALARIES 4,418.94
22/05/2024 4238 BP R SMITH EXP -68.40
22/05/2024 4238 BP IAN SISMEY -780.00
22/05/2024 4238 BP WYPF -1,056.69
22/05/2024 4238 BP HMRC  -1,446.93
22/05/2024 4238 BP GEOXPHERE  -302.40
22/05/2024 4238 BP EAST COAST BUS -256.58
22/05/2024 4238 BP CRUSADER  -186.00
22/05/2024 4238 BP PPL PRS LTD -300.00
22/05/2024 4238 BP T N SNEATH -4,566.00
22/05/2024 4238 BP BM GARDEN -1,975.00
28/05/2024 1517 DD BCARD  -168.23
31/05/2024 4238 DD BT -323.28
Total payments     -9,432.13
15/05/2024 4238 Transfer 00571857 -40,000.00
21/05/2024 1857 Transfer 70724238 -20,000.00
02/05/2024 1517 Cash POST OFFICE 495.00
02/05/2024 1517 Cash POST OFFICE 495.00
02/05/2024 1517 Cash POST OFFICE 1,100.00
02/05/2024 1517 Cash POST OFFICE 835.00
02/05/2024 1517 Cash POST OFFICE 10.00
08/05/2024 4238 Credit RESIDENT 2,895.42
08/05/2024 4238 Credit HMRC VTR 9,581.52
14/05/2024 4238 Remittance POST OFFICE CR 1,410.00
16/05/2024 1517 Credit BOOTHS                 255.50
20/05/2024 4238 Credit RESIDENT 573.75
31/05/2024 1517 Credit TOUCH OF HEA 120.00
Total receipts      17,771.19
15/05/2024 1857 Transfer 70724238 40,000.00
21/05/2024 4238 Transfer 00571857 20,000.00
Total payments     -9,432.13
Total receipts     17,771.19
Net       8,339.06


Appendix 4


Payee Detail Type  Net £   VAT £   Total £ 
Staff Salaries  BP 4,675.31        4,675.31
WYPF Pension BP 1,056.69    1,056.69
HMRC PAYE BP 1,406.73   1,406.73
HMRC PAYE BP 1,446.93   1,446.93
Clerk Travel BP 71.55   71.55
ESPO Gas BP 329.93 16.50 346.43
ESPO Gas BP 204.94 10.25 215.19
Screwfix DoorCloser B/card 17.07 3.42 20.49
Newey & Eyre Lights B/card 9.05   9.05
Newey & Eyre Lights B/card 8.25 1.65  9.90
Adobe Acrobat Subscription B/card 16.64 3.33 19.97
Microsoft  Office365 B/card 20.60 4.12 24.72
Lidl Lidl B/card 1.45   1.45
Spar Milk B/card 6.00   6.00
B&Q B&Q B/card 43.39   43.39
LampShopOnline Lights B/card 21.21 4.24 25.45
B&Q B&Q B/card 105.16   105.16
Microsoft  Office365 B/card 20.60 4.12  24.72
Spar Milk B/card 3.00   3.00
Lidl Milk B/card  2.90   2.90
Lidl Tea&Biscuits B/card 39.32   39.32
Wicksteed Repairs BP 83.76 16.75 100.51
Fenland Fire Assessment BP 600.00 120.00  720.00
Abbey Print Labels BP  27.00 5.40  32.40
LCC Signs BP 400.00    400.00
A9K IT BP 500.00     500.00
ICO Registration DD 40.00    40.00
Gunns & Roses Cemetery  BP 20,478.08 4,095.62 24,573.70
Gunns & Roses Cemetery  BP 17,984.02 3,596.80 21,580.82
T N Sneath Grass BP 4,380.00 876.00 5,256.00
Better Waste CemeteryBin BP 45.20 9.04 54.24
Total     54,044.78 8,767.24 62,812.02