16 September 2024 Community Hub & Library Committee
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Minutes of meeting held 16:00hrs, Monday, 16 September 2024, at The Hub, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, PE11 3RU.
Present: Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr John Smith (chair), Cllr Emma Beavis, District & County Cllr Elizabeth Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk).
Absent: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ben Sear.
24.47.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew, Cllr Roizer, and Cllr Sear.
24.48.There were no declarations of disclosable interest nor requests for dispensation.
24.49.Matters arising from the previous minutes not on the agenda.
01.The Parish Council’s bid for Tesco’s funding supporting cooking lessons for young people had been shortlisted. Tesco customers would now indicate their support for each shortlisted project using its blue token system running from October to January. First prize was £1,500, Second prize £1,000, third prize £500.
02.Regarding the refurbishment of the hub, line marking of the carpark had been completed, the guttering addressed, and windows repainted. There were a few other matters to be completed.
24.50.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 15 July 2024.
24.51.It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).
24.52.Following a discussion about the continuation of the Summer Event, it was resolved to submit the draft annual plan and budget for the Hub & Library for approval by full council at the 30 September meeting.
24.53.Summer Family Activities Event
01.The event had seen around 2,000 attendees over the course of 15 days at a cost of £5,000. This had been financed by District Councillors and the Parish Council [In total, this would be equivalent to about 5p/week on the Parish Precept at Band D (£2.50 p.a.)].
02.The availability of other sources of funding was to be investigated. Also, whether the event should be slimmed down to four weeks duration rather than five.
03.From feedback most people attending thought that the event was fantastic and reflected well on the Parish Council.
04.Some issues relating to the training of volunteers and signage needed to be looked at ready for next year.
05.It was felt that the event engaged very well with children up to 11 years old but not well with teenagers.
24.54.Youth Club.
01.Like the Summer Event, the Youth Club attracted good attendance from the younger age group up to year six with 31 attendees. From the older age group only four attended.
02.A set of bike racks had been donated which were being fitted today.
03.It was to be investigated as to whether a check on bike safety, brakes and lights etc could be included in the next session.
24.55.Other recent activity.
01.The following groups had restarted at the hub following the summer break:
Parents and toddler group
Good mood café from MIND.
Diabetes service. NHS funded for GP referrals only for prediabetics.
Seated exercise class.
02.The knit and natter club had not restarted.
24.56.Love your heart event – 19 September 2024.
01.40 different organisations would be presenting about what they do in in the area.
02.Six different taster sessions for people to try.
03.Virtual village hall.
04.Castle Sports would be giving away free some 3-day passes to their facilities.
05.Health screening checks.
06.Temporary sensory room for relaxation.
07.Ramblers and Pinchbeck Tappers.
24.57.It was resolved to recommend to full Council the implementation of the County Council’s Venue Hire policy. Cllr Smith would review the changes required to the current booking policy and forms.
24.58.To consider Hub & Library access, parking, and gate control.
01.Over the summer some testing of locking the gates took place without many issues arising.
02.From the fire safety perspective, the gate should be locked overnight. However, certain issues need to be considered:
i.Access to the defibrillator outside the hub.
ii.Evening meetings that don’t otherwise require supervision.
iii.If the gates were electronically controlled, not creating a situation whereby vehicles were blocking the road or footway.
03.An option to be considered would be requiring a code to open the barrier on exit only.
04.Different types of access systems for the building were actively being considered. Also, CCTV was to be considered.
05.Cllr Smith would pull proposals together to submit to full council.
24.59.Pram / push chair shelter.
01.Storing push chairs inside created a potential fire risk hazard in terms of blocking corridors and exits.
02.Cllr Smith would investigate options including considering the back outside area of the hub as a possible location.
24.60.The clerk reported on progress on the new staff position of assistant to the clerk.
24.61.Future agenda items.
01.Recruitment of volunteers.
24.62.It was resolved to hold the next committee meeting 16.30hrs Monday 18 November 2024.
The chair closed the meeting at 17:35hrs.