29 July 2024 Parish Council Meeting

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs, Monday, 29 July 2024, at West Pinchbeck Village Hall, Six House Bank, West Pinchbeck, PE11 3QG.

Present:    Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr James Avery (chairman), Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ann Savage (vice-chair), Cllr John Smith, District & County Cllr Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk).

Absent:     Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Sam Jeffery, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ben Sear, Cllr Phil Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood.

Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.                                               

24.142.   Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Beavis, Cllr Gregory, Cllr Jeffery, Cllr Ruysen, Cllr Sear, Cllr Tweddell, Cllr Wood, and District Cllr Slade.

24.143.   There were no declarations of disclosable interests, nor requests for dispensation.

24.144.   There were no representations from members of the public.

24.145.   It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 24 June 2024.

24.146.   It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held 15 July 2024.

24.147.   Chairman’s report.

01.      The District Council (SHDC) was consulting on Waste Services. Starting March 2026, the government required mandatory separate food waste collections. SHDC was also exploring ways to improve the overall waste collection service. The survey was open 15 July to 25 August 2024. See: www.sholland.gov.uk/WasteSurvey.

24.148.   Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.

01.      Planning comments had been submitted to the District Council (SHDC), as resolved.

02.      Works for the installation of a new fire alarm sounder for the back room were pending.

03.      The defibrillator for the outside of the hub and library had been kindly fitted by Lee Twaddle from LT Electrical Services, Spalding.

04.      The Barbara Camps memorial bench had been installed and was just awaiting the fixing of a memorial plaque.

05.      A new 3-year fixed water supply agreement with Everflow Ltd had been agreed supplying the hub, CHL Cemetery, and Leaveslake Drove Clubhouse.

06.      The VAT reclaim for Quarter 1 for £10,137.03 had been submitted and received.

07.      In the last month, two dog poo bag dispensers had been burnt out. Replacement quotes were to be sought.

08.      Cllr Tweddell had kindly arranged for the sale of the Council’s strimmer for £125.00.

24.149.   Financial matters.

01.      It was resolved to approve receipts, payments, & bank reconciliation to 30 June 2024 (see appendices 1-3).

02.      It was resolved to approve payments to 29 July 2024 (see appendix 4).

03.      It was resolved to approve the YTD monthly breakdown of receipts & payments (see appendix 5).

04.      It was resolved to approve the 1st quarter budget vs expenditure review (see appendix 6).

05.      As there was no Parish Council meeting scheduled in August, it was resolved to delegate August 2024 payment approval to the clerk, chairman, & Cllr Moore or another signatory.

24.150.   Correspondence.

01.      A complaint about rubbish collection on Leaveslake Drove Playing Field was noted. Following an invitation from the chairman, Dist. Cllr Sneath commented that SHDC waste services had missed six consecutive waste collections at the park. Cllr Sneath had submitted a complaint and was awaiting a response.

02.      A report from Spalding United Juniors Football Club about much improved grass cutting at Leaveslake Drove was gratefully received

03.      Cllr Garner agreed to attend the next Spalding United Juniors Football Club Committee meeting to be held 7pm Monday 19th August at the Leaveslake Drove clubhouse. Cllr Moore said that he would also attend if possible.

04.      Cllr Smith reported on the Police Parish Engagement Session that he attended 2 July 2024. Clerk to circulate report to councillors.

05.      Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) Highways, forthcoming local road closures.

i.       TTR00609: Burtey Fen Level Crossing. 08:00 to 15:30hrs, 8 August 2024.

ii.      TTR006610: Langhole Drove Level Crossing, 08:00 to 15:30hrs, 9 August 2024.

06.      CallConnect summer promotions running until 7 September 2024 were noted. These would be posted on the Parish Council’s website.

07.      Information on Lincolnshire Talking Therapies was noted. This would be posted on the website.

08.      Inspector Matt Dickinson is looking for a Neighbourhood Policing Support Volunteer for South Holland. Contact the clerk for more details.

09.      Pinchbeck Library Statistics 2021-2024 were noted.

10.      Overgrown District Council owned land at Elizabeth Crescent, West Pinchbeck needed clearing. The clerk stated that overgrown vegetation and fly tipping at the site had been reported to SHDC. The Parish Council had no responsibility for this piece of land.

11.      Information on the statutory consultation on the Eastern Green Link 3 & 4 was to be circulated to councillors.

12.      Information on Environment Agency river maintenance was to be sent to Cllr Chamberlain.

24.151.   Planning applications

01.      H14-0625-24: Land off Bervor Close, Wardentree Lane, PE11 3FZ. Details of Biodiversity Net Gain Plan. Condition Compliance. It was resolved to make the comment that the Parish Council considered the proposed plan to be disappointing and did not go far enough to enhance local biodiversity.

02.      H14-0583-24: 8 Benner Road, PE11 3TZ. Equipment Storage Building. It was resolved to support the application as it would benefit local business whilst being appropriately sited within an area designated for employment.

24.152.   The Council noted the following South Holland Planning decisions.

01.      H14-0535-24: 11 Cresswell Close, PE11 3TY. Temporary change of use from B8 to Sui Generis (HGV maintenance & HGV parking) for a period of 10 years. 13-06-24. FULL. Approved.

02.      H14-0487-24: J O Sims Ltd Pudding Lane Pinchbeck PE11 3TJ. Details of external lighting & biodiversity net gain (Conditions 3 & 6 of H14-0256-24) 31-05-24. Approved

03.      H14-0455-24: Cecil Francis Business Park, Bear Lane, PE11 3XA Demolition of commercial buildings and HMO for construction of 3 dwellings. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans. S73A Continuation. Approved.

04.      H14-0442-24: Northgate Farmhouse, Northgate, PE11 3TB. Demolition & replacement of existing single storey outbuilding to form residential accommodation. Approved

05.      H14-0439-24: 8 Spalding Road, PE11 3UD. Alteration and refurbishment of former stables and trap house and installation of fence. Approved.

06.      H14-0440-24: 8 Spalding Road, PE11 3UD. Alteration and refurbishment of former stables and trap house and installation of fence. Listed Building. Approved

07.      H14-0411-24: Mayflower Farm, Tydd Road, PE11 3QA. Extension. Approved.

08.      H14-0392-24: Scania GB, Wardentree Park, PE11 3ZN. Extension to industrial building. S192 Lawful Use Cert. Approved.

09.      H14-0338-24: Oak Cottage, Small Drove Lane, PE11 3NL. Change of use from agricultural to domestic garden. S191 Lawful Use Cert. Refused.

10.      H14-0328-24: West End Lodge, 88 Knight Street, PE11 3RB. Replacement French doors. Condition Compliance. Approved.

11.      H14-0088-24: Marriott Farm, Black Hole Drove, PE11 3QL. Change of use from domestic dwelling to children's residential home. Approved.

12.      H14-0042-24: Land off Crossgate Lane. 9 detached bungalows. Condition modification of Condition 14 and Condition 2. Approved.

24.153.   Highways matters.

01.      The chairman had been in contact with LCC Local Highways Manager, Mr Dan Adams, about the feasibility study for Market Way footpath who had indicated that it was still the start of what would be a long process.

02.      Cllr Moore reported that the Speed Indicator Device on Six House Bank was now working well after having been sent off for complementary repairs, which had included a new radar system, wiring, motherboard, and added Bluetooth capability.

24.154.   Committee reports

01.      Community Hub & Library Committee.

i.       The draft minutes of the last committee meeting were noted.

ii.      Cllr Smith reported that there was a lot of work going on and that new groups had started at the hub including a diabetes clinic, mental health meetings, Social Services visits.

iii.     It was resolved to approve a 2-year agreement with the YMCA for the organisation of the new Youth Club which was to run 22 days in each year. The agreement incorporated break clauses for both parties.

iv.     It was resolved for the Committee to be responsible for authorising expenditure on the Youth Club within the agreed budget, and to be responsible for overseeing the Youth Club project. All expenditure would be reported to the Parish Council meeting for payment.

v.      It was resolved to delegate the allocation of expenditure from the All Kinds of Everything Fund to the Committee.

vi.     It was resolved to approve the launch of Age Friendly South Holland at the Hub on Tuesday 1 October 2024, funded by SHDC.

02.      Opens Spaces & Assets Committee.

i.       Publication of the draft minutes of the last committee meeting was pending.

ii.      Cllr Moore reported on good progress being made in the construction of the new cemetery at Blue Gowt Lane.

iii.     Cllr Chamberlain reported that the contractor responsible for resurfacing the car park on Six House Bank would provide a revised timetable for works next week.

03.      Personnel Committee

i.       The draft minutes of the last committee meeting were noted.

ii.      Other personnel matters, being confidential, were to be considered later in the meeting under closed session.

24.155.   Regarding War Memorial flowers, the chairman reported that Mrs Joyce Boyer, who had for many years arranged flowers at the War Memorial, funded by the area’s district councillors, was stepping down. The chairman thanked Mrs Boyer for all her hard work. Cllr Savage volunteered to take over responsibility for this. The chairman would let Mrs Boyer know and see about arranging a handover of responsibilities.

24.156.   Regarding Parish Council authorisation procedures and due process, the chairman stated that all Parish Council purchases must be sourced through the clerk.

24.157.   It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

24.158.   Quotes for works.

01.      It was resolved to proceed with the removal of shrubbery at the front of Cherry Holt Lane Cemetery, work soil, and reseed with grass @ £575.00.

02.      It was resolved to appoint Croner Group Ltd to provide employment and health & safety services on a 60-month fixed price contract.

03.      Cllr Smith circulated quotes and expenditure proposals for the hub relating to the grant approval from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for £21,515.10. This was to be spent on improvement works for the Hub and for the development of a Hub website. Although previously authorised by the Parish Council (minute 24.073.02.v.), Cllr Smith asked the Parish Council to give final ratification for the proposed spending which was fully covered by the grant and within the approved budget.

i.       It was resolved to approve quote from Drive By Websites Ltd for setting up a new website for the Hub @ £3,335.00 + VAT.

ii.      It was resolved to approve quote from BT Blinds @ £3,153.34 + VAT.

iii.     It was resolved to approve expenditure through ESPO (Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation) the public sector owned professional buying organisation (PBO), for chairs and other equipment @ £9,555 + VAT.

04.      Cllr Smith reported that the Summer Family Events at the Hub would start tomorrow, 30 July 2024. Between the Parish Council and District Councillors £5,000 had previously been allocated for the event (see minute 24.124). A committed spend of £3,672 had now been made to external providers: Rock School Bus, Dance Studio, Soft Play providers, Cook Stars, and Happy Little Hands sign language. Plus, other miscellaneous items totalling £640.45. It was resolved to approve these payments and to authorise the balance to be spent in conjunction with the clerk.

05.      Councillors thanked Cllr Smith for all his hard work on these projects.

24.159.   To consider matters relating to Parish Council land.

01.      Cllr Smith went through a briefing paper relating to Parish Council land. The Parish Council resolved appropriately on the matter.

24.160.   Staffing & administration.

01.      The Parish Council resolved appropriately on personnel matters.

The chairman closed the meeting at 21:20hrs.