16 December 2024 Parish Council Meeting
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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs, Monday, 16 December 2024, at The Hub, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, PE11 3RU
Present: Cllr James Avery (chairman), Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Sam Jeffery, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr John Smith, Cllr Phil Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood, District & County Cllr Sneath, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs Nicola Jowett (Administration Assistant). No members of the public were present.
Absent: Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ann Savage, District Cllr Sally-Ann Slade.
Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.
24.210.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Roizer, Cllr Ann Savage, and District Cllr Sally-Ann Slade.
24.211.There were no declarations of disclosable interests, nor requests for dispensation.
24.212.There were no representations from members of the public.
24.213.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 28 October 2024.
24.214.It was resolved to declare a vacancy on the Parish Council arising from Cllr Sear’s failure to attend, without prior approval, any meeting of the Parish Council within the last six months, in accordance with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972.
24.215.The resignation of Cllr Lynne Andrew on 4 December 2024 for personal reasons and the casual vacancy arising was noted.
24.216.Chairman’s report.
01.Welcome was given to Mrs Nicola Jowett who started work as Administration Assistant on 11 November. Her predecessor, Mrs Maureen Harvey had a farewell gathering for her retirement earlier in the day. Thanks were expressed to Maureen for her hard work over the last seven years and the two years prior when she was a volunteer. Maureen will still be seen around the hub as she is rejoining the library and hub as a volunteer.
02.The funeral service for Mr Chris Schofield was to be held 1pm Wednesday 18 December at St Lawrence Church, Surfleet.
24.217.Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.
01.Planning comments had been submitted to the District Council (SHDC), as resolved.
02.A VAT reclaim for £22,214.70 up to 31 October 2024 had been submitted and refund received.
03.The Council’s defibrillators had been kindly checked by Annie Wakeford and records updated on The Circuit.
04.Quotes for a new defibrillator were still required.
05.Thanks were given to all those who helped with putting up the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, it had not been possible to add the new lights, paid for by the Pinchbeck Carnival Association, as they were the incorrect specification.
06.Works to clear the Glebe Field dykes had been completed.
07.Works to address moles in Cherry Holt Lane Cemetery had been completed. An increased budget for pest control requirements was to be included for next year.
08.Over the weekend of 7-8 December, the roof of the bus shelter outside the School on Knight Street, had been blown off in the storm. This had been reported to insurers and a quote for repair/replacement was to be raised in closed session.
09.Following receipt of equipment financed through GrassRoots funding, which included new chairs, Cllr Smith would dispose of the hub’s old chairs to not-for-profit organisations that could make use of them. These had not previously been included on the asset register. An old office chair would be sent to the waste & recycling centre and written off.
10.Lincolnshire County Council would be undertaking some work on some of the other bus shelters in Pinchbeck:
i.Milestone Lane/Surfleet Road – replace polycarbonate panel.
ii.The Bull Inn, Church Street – remove poster case.
iii.St Mary’s Church, Spalding Road – repaint brick red inside shelter.
24.218.Financial matters.
01.It was resolved to approve year to date receipts, payments, and bank reconciliation to 30 November 2024. (see appendix 1).
02.It was resolved to approve payments for the month to 30 November 2024 (see appendix 2).
03.It was resolved to approve payments for the month to 31 December 2024 (see appendix 3).
04.The financial budget y/e 31 March 2026 would be considered at the Finance Committee meeting 13 January 2025, for final approval at the Parish Council meeting 27 January.
01.The response from the Carnival Committee to the Parish Council’s concerns to events at the last Pinchbeck Carnival was considered positive, given that security was to be increased for the next event. A response was to be sent thanking the Committee and stating that it could ask for donations from attendees.
02.It was noted that the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s consultation closed 15 December 2024.
03.Information from the Environment Agency about winter flood protection was noted.
04.Pinchbeck Library statistics to October 2024 were noted.
05.The chairman would draft a response to a complaint about speeding on Spalding Road.
01.Cllr Gregory and Cllr Moore had attended District Council planning training. It was felt that there was little new information gleaned from the event.
02.Regarding development on land east of Surfleet Bank and west of Woad Farm, Spalding. The chairman would draft a response for circulation prior to submission.
03.Planning applications
i.H14-1025-24: 9 Spalding Road. Conservation area tree works. The Council had no comment.
ii.H14-1027-24: Eight Horse Barn, Money Bridge Lane. Condition compliance regarding foul & surface water disposal. The Council had no comment.
iii.H14-014-24: Felstead, Small Drove Lane. Single storey rear extension. It was resolved to support the proposal as in keeping with the area.
iv.H14-0993-24: 1 Cherry Holt Lane. New bungalow. It was resolved to make no comment.
v.H14-0965-24: Rosecott Farm. TPO tree works. The Council had no comment.
vi.H-0954-24: Reedecraft Mill. Workshop Extension. It was resolved to support the proposal as appropriate for the area.
vii.H-0947-24: Pinchbeck Industrial Estate. Condition compliance giving details of 30 year habitat management and maintenance plan. The Council had no comment.
viii.H-0948-24: Pinchbeck Industrial Estate. Concrete slab for fuel tank. It was resolved to support the proposal as appropriate in an industrial location.
ix.H14-0949-24: 8 Spalding Road. Condition compliance for foul & water surface disposal. The Council had no comment.
x.H14-0950-24: 8 Spalding Road Condition compliance for foul & water surface disposal. The Council had no comment.
xi.H14-0924-24: Adj. 202 Spalding Road. New bungalow. It was resolved to support the proposal as being in keeping with the area.
xii.H14-0922-24: Land off Spalding Road. Condition compliance giving details of site levels & floor levels. The Council had no comment.
24.221.The Council noted the following South Holland planning decisions.
01.H14-0931-24: Pyewipe Farm, North Drove, PE11 3JF. Agricultural determination. Refused.
02.H14-0795-24: 8 Benner Road, PE11 3TZ. Flood Management. Condition Compliance. Approved.
03.H14-0784-24: Willowlea Barn, Mill Green Road, PE11 3PY. Change of use from residential annexe to self-contained dwelling. Retrospective. Approved.
04.H14-0752-24: Land off Spalding Road, PE11 3UE. Details relating to contamination. Condition Compliance. Approved.
24.222.Highways matters.
01.The chairman, having been offered a date to meet a Highways Officer w/c 20 January, would arrange a meeting to include Cllr Moore and Cllr Savage.
24.223.Waste bins and dog poo bins.
01.Following an invitation from the chairman, Cllr Sneath reported that South Holland District Council now advocated and wished to encourage members of the public taking their rubbish home. As such, it would be very unlikely to agree to any new bin locations.
02.Cllr Wood kindly offered to draft the design a sign with QR code to enable members of the public to easily report full or overflowing bins.
24.224.Committee reports
01.Community Hub & Library Committee.
i.The draft minutes of the committee meeting held 09 December 2024 were noted.
ii.Cllr Smith reported that LIVES would be running a self-financing CPR and Defibrillator training course during January at the Hub.
02.Open Spaces & Assets Committee.
i.The draft minutes of the committee meeting held 18 November 2024 were noted.
ii.Following an invitation from the chairman, Cllr Sneath asked if there would be any appetite to take up the Britain in Bloom competition for the village. To be considered at the next meeting.
20:28hrs: District & County Cllr Sneath left the meeting.
24.225.It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).
24.226.Report on new Cemetery.
01.Cllr Moore confirmed that tarmacking of the carpark would take place after Christmas. There was also some landscaping to be completed but the project was 85% complete.
24.227.The clerk would circulate the third draft of the 2025-26 budget with proposed precept within the next three weeks. This would be reviewed at the Finance Committee meeting 13 January 2025. Final approval was to be resolved on by the Parish Council at its meeting 27 January 2025.
24.228.Parish Council land.
01.The Glebe Field
i.It was resolved to send the draft Heads of Terms to Pinchbeck United Football Club for its comments.
ii.It was resolved to instruct Longstaff & Co to determine the appropriate annual charges.
02.Leaves Lake Drove Playing Field
i.Following a meeting held 5 December 2024 with Spalding United Youth Football Club (SUFC), attended by the chairman and the clerk, rent payments from 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2025 had been received.
ii.Rent for the period 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026 was to be invoiced quarterly in advance. Water bills would be invoiced as received from the supplier.
iii.The invoicing of the electricity supply to the clubhouse was being investigated.
iv.The connection of the Clubhouse’s PV Solar Panels was being investigated.
v.It was resolved to instruct Roythornes Solicitors to draw up appropriate rental agreements for the clubhouse and non-exclusive use of the playing field.
01.It was agreed that a full understanding of the implications of the PlayZone, including terms and conditions of use, cost projections, and the business plan, were required for the Council to commit further to the project.
02.Consideration of alternative locations for a Pinchbeck Community Garden were to be included in the agenda of the next Parish council meeting.
24.230.Quotes for works.
01.Further to a Play Equipment Working Party meeting held on-site 18 November 2024, it was resolved to approve the following quotes for works and repairs to the Council’s play equipment:
i.Quote 68626 for the purchase and installation of signage at the three sites @ £2,788.90.
ii.Quote 67943 for equipment repairs at the Glebe Field @ £3,106.90 plus VAT. Part of these repairs are subject to an insurance claim for the vandalism and theft of the springer.
iii.Quote 68634 for equipment repairs at Leaves Lake Drove Playing Field @ £1,247.52 plus VAT.
iv.Quote 68636 for equipment repairs at Rotten Row Playing Field @ £2,777.00 plus VAT.
02.It was resolved to ratify the purchase of a grease gun and cartridge @ < £30.00.
03.It was resolved to defer a decision on quotes for play equipment resurfacing repairs until improved weather in the New Year.
04.It was resolved to note and ratify the purchase to date of equipment financed by GrassRoots grant funding totalling £14,396.83. Further purchases were to follow.
05.It was resolved to ratify the purchase of the following equipment, financed by LCC Family Hubs Breastfeeding grant:
i.Nursing chair and foot stool @ £290.83 plus VAT.
ii.Breastfeeding privacy covers x 4 @ £90.00 plus VAT.
iii.Nursing pillows x 4 @ £83.33 plus VAT.
06.It was resolved to ratify the purchase of the following equipment for the Youth Club to be financed by grant funding from the Pinchbeck Community Land Trust:
i.Dartboard @ £95.79 plus VAT.
ii.Table Tennis Table @ £274.98 plus VAT.
iii.Pool table @ £379.99.
07.It was resolved to delegate the purchase of a replacement noticeboard Six House Bank to the Open Spaces Committee. Cllr Ruysen to forward information about potential supplier to the clerk.
08.Following consideration of repositioning the noticeboard at Six House bank by the Open Spaces Committee, quotes were to be obtained for the installation of a bench at the car park.
09.Quotes were to be obtained for the installation of a bench at the new cemetery.
10.Knights Street Bus Shelter
i.It was resolved to authorise the removal and disposal of the damaged bus shelter.
ii.It was resolved to delegate the purchase of a replacement bus shelter including seats to the Open Spaces Committee following the submission of quotes to insurers.
24.231.Staffing & administration matters and to resolve appropriately.
01.It was resolved to ratify the implementation of the new NALC salary scales from 01 April 2024.
02.It was resolved to permit the carryover of clerk’s toil to the next financial year.
03.A letter was to be sent to Pinchbeck East and St Bartholomew’s School’s to ask if children would like to be involved with the planting ceremony of 60 fruit trees donated by the Orchard Project Grant. To take place on a date to be agreed in January 2025.
24.232.Next meetings.
01.The next meeting was to be held 19:30hrs Monday, 27 January 2025 at the Pinchbeck Hub.
02.It was resolved to cancel the Parish Council meeting scheduled to be held 24 February 2025.
The chairman closed the meeting at 21:30 hrs.