28 October 2024 Parish Council Meeting
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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19:30hrs, Monday, 28 October 2024, at The Hub, 48 Knight Street, Pinchbeck, PE11 3RU
Present: Cllr James Avery (chairman), Cllr Emma Beavis, Cllr Andy Chamberlain, Cllr Geoff Garner, Cllr Terry Moore, Cllr Peter Ruysen, Cllr Ann Savage (vice-chair), Cllr John Smith, Cllr Phil Tweddell, Cllr Oliver Wood, Mr Robert Smith (clerk), District & County Cllr Sneath, Mrs Sue Whitton (Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue), a member of the public.
Absent: Cllr Lynne Andrew, Cllr Audrey Gregory, Cllr Sam Jeffery, Cllr Dean Roizer, Cllr Ben Sear.
Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.
24.186. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew, Cllr Jeffery, Cllr Roizer, and District Councillor Slade.
24.187. There were no declarations of disclosable interests, nor requests for dispensation.
24.188. A presentation was given by Mrs Whitton, Emergency Planning Manager, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC), about Community Emergency Planning (see appendix 1).
20:04hrs Mrs Whitton left the meeting.
24.189. Representations from members of the public
01. A member of the public representing South Lincolnshire Swifts Junior Football Club gave a brief history of the club and its close connection to Pinchbeck. The club’s expansion plans were explained, about which the club would be seeking the Parish Council’s support.
02. Councillors expressing a view spoke in support of the plans and that from the members present there would likely be an interest in joining a development committee at the club.
03. The chairman said that the Parish Council looked forward to receiving further information from the club as its development plans progressed.
20:28hrs a member of the public left the meeting.
24.190. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 30 September 2024.
24.191. Chairman’s report.
01. Cllr Avery referred to planning training for parish councils on which he was likely to be involved.
02. Members were asked to be mindful of the clerk’s current heavy workload when considering projects and requests.
24.192. Clerk’s report / matters arising not on the agenda.
01. Planning comments had been submitted to the District Council (SHDC), as resolved.
02. The VAT reclaim for Quarter 2 had yet to be submitted.
03. A new laptop and ancillary equipment had been purchased as previously resolved.
04. A recycling station had been purchased as previously resolved.
05. The Parish Council office would be closed for two weeks, w/c 23/12/24 and w/c 30/12/24. The library would be closed from end of day Friday 20 December 2024 and reopen Thursday 2nd January 2025.
06. £200 had been received from Pinchbeck Carnival as a donation towards the cost of the new PA system, to which councillors expressed their gratitude.
24.193. Financial matters.
01. It was resolved to approve year to date receipts, payments, and bank reconciliation to 30 September 2024. (see appendix 2).
02. It was resolved to approve payments for the month to 31 October 2024 (see appendix 3).
03. The draft minutes of the last committee meeting held 21 October 2024 were noted.
04. It was resolved to approve the application for a credit agreement and the holding of a store card for Booker Wholesale in the name of Cllr John Smith.
05. It was resolved to approve 2nd quarter budget vs expenditure and monthly breakdown (see appendix 4 and 5).
06. It was resolved to approve applying to the District Council for a Small Lottery Licence.
07. The draft salaries budget and financial budget y/e 31 March 2026 would be considered in closed session.
24.194. Correspondence.
01. Correspondence about parking violations on Fennell Road were noted
02. The Law Commission’s consultation paper on Burial and Cremation was noted.
03. Receipt of Pinchbeck Carnival’s park hire application for the Rotten Row playing field was acknowledged. Given an alcohol related incident having occurred at this year’s carnival, the clerk would write to the Carnival Committee seeking a response to councillors’ concerns.
04. Information on ‘Changing Lives Through Horses’ Organisation was noted.
05. Traffic restrictions on Wardentree Lane between 18/11/2024 and 14/03/2025 were noted.
06. An update on works to Pinchbeck Roundabout was noted.
07. Members were to contact the clerk if the wished to attend SHDC planning training.
08. A report of abandoned car at Rotten Row Car Park was to be investigated by the clerk.
24.195. Planning applications.
01. H14-0851-24: Land North of Fengate Road, PE11 3PU. Change of use from agricultural to residential to allow erection of four dwellings. It was resolved to support the application as in keeping with the area.
02. H14-0821-24: Land next to Neil Brown Engineering Ltd, Benner Road, PE11 3TZ. Modification of condition relating to industrial units. It was resolved to support the application as in keeping with the area.
24.196. The Council noted the following South Holland planning decisions.
01. H14-0795-24: 8 Benner Road, PE11 3TZ. Flood Management Plan. Approved.
02. H14-0747-24: Land off Elsoms Way. Condition compliance. Approved.
03. H14-0635-24: Pinchbeck Industrial Estate, Wardentree Park, PE11 3UG. Bus Park facilities. Approved.
24.197. Highways matters.
01. The chairman was awaiting a response to a recent request for a meeting.
24.198. Committee reports
01. Opens Spaces & Assets Committee.
i. The draft minutes of the last committee meeting held 14 October 2024 was yet to be circulated.
02. The Remembrance Day Parade
i. A marching band had been booked as previously resolved.
ii. Permission from LCC for the parade road closures was in place.
iii. The application for the display of poppies on LCC streetlight had been submitted.
iv. It was reported that St Mary’s Church would be holding the Remembrance Day Service although there was no heating available.
24.199. Reports from outside representatives.
01. Cllr Garner would be attending the next South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Service meeting.
24.200. It was resolved to approve LCC Family Hubs grant funding agreement and spending for £696.
24.201. A quote for an additional defibrillator as well as for a bleed kit was to be obtained.
24.202. It was resolved to produce a Community Emergency Plan. To be drawn up by Cllr Savage.
24.203. It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).
24.204. Quotes for works.
01. It was resolved to ratify decision to undertake works to clear the Glebe Field dykes @ ~£200.00.
02. It was resolved to ratify decision to undertake works to address moles in Cherry Holt Lane Cemetery @ £300.00.
03. It was resolved to ratify decision for spending on recognition of volunteers’ contribution to recent award @ £114.
04. It was resolved to approve quote for electrical works at the hub included in GrassRoots funding support @ £360.00 plus VAT.
05. A working party on site meeting to discuss to agree next steps for repairs to play equipment was to be arranged attended by Cllr Avery, Cllr Chamberlain, Cllr Moore, and the clerk.
06. It was resolved to proceed with works to reseed grass at Six House Bank Car Park @ £400.
07. It was resolved to proceed with works to remove hedge at Cherry Holt Lane Cemetery @ £950.
24.205. Regarding matters relating to its land, the Chairman gave an update on the situation.
24.206. It was resolved to approve the draft salaries budget subject to relevant calculation adjustments being made after the release of the Autumn Budget Statement on Wednesday 30 October 2024.
24.207. Circulation of the first draft financial budget for 2025/26 was noted. Councillors to submit any comments to the clerk by Friday 15th November so adjustment can be made in time for the next Parish Council meeting.
24.208. To consider staffing & administration matters and to resolve appropriately.
01. It was noted that the new assistant to the clerk would begin work on 11 November 2024.
02. Regarding confidential personnel matters, the Council resolved appropriately.
24.209. The next meeting is to be held 19:30hrs Monday 25 November 2024 at the Pinchbeck Hub.
The chairman closed the meeting at 9.25hrs.